Past Projects - Future Ideas?
In 2006 we used our funds to purchase the 3 speed minder signs that show drivers how fast they are driving. Two of them were installed on Twin Oaks, and one was installed on Mariposa near the elementary school.
This year we used our funds to purchase yard signs for the ''Keep Kids Alive - Drive 25'' program, and neighborhood signs for ''Neighborhood Watch.''
Put your thinking caps on. It's time again to be submitting ideas on how we can improve our neighborhood in 2008. This next year the City will give us up to $5,000 to spend for an improvement project in Area 6. I know, we can't do a very large project for that amount of money in today's economy, but if anyone has an idea for a project that would cost more than $5,000, we could perhaps stage it and submit it as an ongoing multi-year project. We can also apply to get additional money from the City if any of the other neighborhood associations don't submit ideas, or don't use all of their allotments for improvement projects.