Park View Homeowners Assoc.

ECCV Election

Apr 26, 1998

To: Park View Home Owners Association
From: Pete Fox, ECCV board member
Date: March 26, 1998
Re: Scheduled election for Board of Directors, East Cherry Creek
Valley Water & Sanitation District (ECCV)

Scheduled election
An election was required and scheduled: the terms of Directors Elzi, Cagan, and Solis were up.

The election will be held May 5, 1998, at the Smoky Hill subdivision clubhouse located at their pool on Telluride, south of Smoky Hill Road. ECCV will have the exact address soon. Polling place hours May 5 will be from 7
a.m. to 7 p.m. You must vote at the polling place unless you qualify absentee ballot voting; absentee ballots will be available soon from ECCV. Please note: You have until 29 days prior to the election date to register to vote,
and it appears registration must be done at Arapahoe County offices.

New developments
Director Solis, after 8 years on the board, chose not to run, and Cagan, following nearly 18 years on the board, abruptly resigned. Their expertise and wealth of valuable information will be sorely missed by this district and
by me.

The board invited each of the three new candidates to interview for an interim appointment to replace Director Cagan. All three candidates did interview, and the board will appoint one candidate, at its regularly
scheduled March 26 board meeting, to fill Director Cagan's vacancy. This appointment will last only until the election, and the appointed candidate must be elected in order to continue serving on the board.

Candidates: vote for 3 of the 4
Director E. Peter Elzi seeks re-election.
- John M. Kaufman seeks election to the board.
- Darryl K. Bellamy seeks election to the board.
- Jeff Danaher seeks election to the board.

Your water board faces significant, immediate decisions. You

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