Park Villa HOA

Public Health Alert: Smart Utility Meters associated with illness

Posted in: California

Neighborhood organizations in California should inform everyone about the Public Health Alert re: utility company Smart Meters, and how to opt-out (get rid of the one on your residence). The California Public Utility Commission (CPUC) has approved PG&E customers to opt-out now. CPUC is poised to also allow SDG&E and SCE (Edison) to take off these dangerous rf radiation-emitting meters. Unfortunately, CPUC has approved a for-cost opt-out, whereas citizens are demanding a free opt-out. We should not have to pay not to be irradiated and sickened or placed at risk in our own homes. Go to for a flier to view, share electronically, and pass out to all your contacts. 

The American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) and Santa Cruz Dept of Health have issued strongly worded warnings about smart meters, AAEM calling for a moratorium on installation. 51 California municipalities (including 10 counties) have taken a position against smart meters, including criminalizing their installation.  We do not live in such a community, San Diego County municipalities (cities, towns, and County Board of Supervisors) have been silent on smart meter problems.

For more info go to, Center for Electrosmog Prevention, CEP is a charitable, educational CA nonprofit.

Susan Brinchman, Director
Center for Electrosmog Prevention

La Mesa, CA

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