do you think realtors have the best interest of the community in mind when selling a house? it is obvious that they put people in our community that can afford the mortgage but have no money left over for up keep. one home i see a guy cutting his front lawn with every kind of power tool but a lawn mower. another on compass has had the split rail fence falling down for years.what do you think?
now the guy in the first house on compass has a boarded up window, what a ghetto RG is turning into. just like i said back then. "no money for up keep" |
do you think realtors have the best interest of the community in mind when selling a house? it is obvious that they put people in our community that can afford the mortgage but have no money left over for up keep. one home i see a guy cutting his front lawn with every kind of power tool but a lawn mower. another on compass has had the split rail fence falling down for years.what do you think?
I can definitely understand your concerns re: neighbors maintaining their properties. There are definitely quite a few homes in our community which are in need of repair...I'm not sure what we can do to encourage these homeowners to focus on these repairs. I would hope that by witnessing my own efforts, others would be motivated to put some effort into their own properties. On a positive note, I just wanted to say how much I appreciate those neighbors that do put a lot of hard work, time, and effort into keeping their homes and properties looking good. And I especially love seeing children working with their families on the up-keep. It's important to get the children involved in beautifying the neighborhood - I can't tell you how frustrating it is to see chldren littering the neighborhood. |