at the Youth Center on Lashley Street. Topics of discussion include the grant project and bike path clearing. We welcome any suggestions or any concerns you may have regarding our neighborhood. You are the voice of your neighborhood, please join us. It?’s always nice to see new faces among us and it?’s a great way to get to know your neighbors.
1. Announcements:
The minutes from each meeting will be posted on our neighborhood website.
They can be found under ?“Neighborhood Newsletter?”
Please visit this website for additional neighborhood information.
2. Neighborhood Grant: Jon Clarke came and spoke to us about the grant for the neighborhood sign. Jon needs a very detailed drawing of what the sign will look like, size and the detailed location of where we want the sign to be placed. We cannot put the sign in the right-of-way but the city can. He will then take the plans to the city. We must do this before we get the bids. If the cost of the sign will be over $1,000.00, 3 bids must be submitted and we must take the lowest bid.
The bids need to be VERY specific about the type of rock and engraving so that all 3 bids are for the same materials. The city will then provide a purchase order and a check will be issued after the work is completed. Small incidentals will be re-imbursed by the city. Keep track of all expenses and keep all receipts.
Plenty of help will be needed for this neighborhood sign project. If you are interested in helping, please contact Lia at 303-772-1096.
Bike path clean up and clearing: Mike will get with the Parks Department to work out the details about when this project will begin.
Rebecca will write up a flyer about this project.
We need to be specific about what exactly will be cleared and we need to make sure that all houses backing up to the bike path agree with the clearing. If you are interested in helping with this project, please contact Mike at 303-678-0141.
3. Judy and Karen have formed a new committee, ?“Neighborhood Watch.?” They will be talking to the beat officers about neighbors patrolling the area.
There have been more break-ins in the area recently. Please watch and be aware of any unusual activity in your area. If you see something or someone suspicious, call the police.