My husband and I left last Thursday, December 18th on vacation. We had a vehicle parked in our driveway and another in the street. Someone decided that it was a good idea to throw a very large rock weighing approx. 3-5 lbs thru our front windshield of our car parked in the street. The glass did not break all of the way through and offered a nice trampoline affect to the rock as it bounced across the hood of our car, off of the sidewalk and landing in our yard close to 5 feet away from impact site. Needless to say whomever threw this rock was in a moving vehicle and had to have the strength and ability to throw this size of a rock. Always a nice welcoming home gift after vacation. Our neighbors called us and informed us of what had happened so we wouldn't be shocked when we got home. In addition the increase in vandalism on our street alone has more than tripled since I moved in 6 years ago. Within the past couple of weeks there have been over 5 vehicles damaged with bricks or broken off side mirrors and a garage door has been tagged. I read the Parkwood newsletter - it doesn't offer any comfort to know that homes have been broken into and now houses are being "cased" for possible burglaries. We pay a large amount of money in home owner's dues to the association - I am not sure how many "courtesy" patrol officers we have for our large subdivision, but I can tell you that on more than several occasions when we have returned home in the late evening hours we see the courtesy patrol sitting in the parking lot of the school - not patrolling - just sitting. His presence evidently isn't doing much to deter our vandals. I live on Cascade Oak - the street right in front of the elementary school - I am wondering if any other streets have had an increase in vandalism and what are your neighbors considering doing to deter the criminal activity?