Thinking about the increase in vandalism, tagging and such perhaps it is time for the community of Parkwood to "take back" our neighborhood. The "patrols" can only do so much. For those of us who live here, whether you rent or own, this is your home. Report all suspicious activities, the more the police are called, and are aware this might deter repeat offenders. Organize walk abouts, get to know those people around you. Who should be here, who shouldn't. Know where your own kids are, who they are with, and where they are going. Talk to the kids with the loud trucks and music, sometimes they are oblivious, sometimes not. Being a community means being involved with your neighbors, just talking about or making the HOA fix it won't work- there is only three of them and over 1,000 households here. We can't do it all, but we all can do something.