If you have any questions or needs regarding the Parkwood Neighborhood Association please feel free to contact one of us via email.
If you need to rent the clubhouse or pool area for a gathering you need to call the voicemail number 847-622-4372 and leave a message. She will contact you with your regards.
If you have questions in relation to the ABC Management Company you can email our Property Manager Patrick Pierce or call 847-985-4044.
If there are community police issues you can email Ofc. Colin Fleury or call his voicemail
#931-5600 ex9459, in case of emergency call 911 or non-emerg# 289-2700.
Mr. Calvin Culpepper
Email: culpepper1@netzero.net
Mr. Andrew Newman
Email: andrew.newman@per-se.com
Mrs. Cindy Lange
Mr. Patrick Pierce
Email: pmgrs@aol.com
Mrs. Kay Morrisroe
Email: ruainc@earthlink.net
Ofc. Colin Fluery
Email: FLEURY_C@cityofelgin.org