Pasadena Vista Neighborhood Association and
Neighborhood Crime Watch
Minutes of Meeting
Monday June 15, 2009
7:00 PM West St Petersburg
Community Library Room 101
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by President-elect Cynthia Burton
Acknowledgement of the loss of our prior president, Don Hutchinson. This was followed by nominations for an interim board to replace not only the president, but also the vise president (Fred Ward) who has stepped down. These members will serve until regular elections are held in November.
Consensus was reached that Cynthia Burton would serve as President, Greg Quinn would serve as Vise President.
Crime discussion. Crime statics, break-ins and school is out. There are more children in the neighborhood, discussions about some of the issues and things that have occurred in the neighborhood recently.
Grant discussion. The deadline is September 1st for getting grant proposals in.
Mayors Action line and web site and the Police non-emergency phone number 727-893-7780
Greg Quinn talked about why we need a crime watch phone tree and email crime watch.
City Council Member Herb Polson was introduced and went through some examples of how his neighborhood?’s crime watch email notice system works. He also talked about CODA for presidents and community leadership, when that would take place and that our neighbor members should be involved.
Herb introduced Susan Ajoc the neighborhood Partnership Director. Susan also discussed crime watch as it pertained to her neighborhood and gave examples of how having neighborhood involvement has worked in her neighborhood. Susan also discussed the national night out. She advised that the Mayors committee would print mail labels for neighborhood events. Neighborhood clean up can go through her office. And finally she discussed the State neighborhood conference that would be held in St Petersburg for the first time starting July 10th.
Meeting adjourned.
Submitted by
Jana Steinhour
PVNA Secretary