Frustrated Reply
I appreciate the concerns raised in your reply to Al Hill's memo. My response to you is from my being personally involved in this subdivision as a member of your Board of Directors, currently president of the board, as well as being a resident of almost 6 years.
I will try to briefly address most of your concerns, and will be glad to discuss them in more detail at the annual meeting Thursday evening.
First, the entry lighting has been a problem for at least a year, and I have re-set the timers time and time again, only to have the circuit breaker trip after a couple of days. Unfortunately, there is no money available at the present time to pay the prices charged by electricians, and that is what we need to get a permanent fix to the problem.
To my knowledge, every time the entry gate has malfunctioned, it has been put back in working order in a reasonable period of time. I have been told that the system we have is not top of the line, and I feel we have been lucky to have had as few problems as we have.
As far as the landscaping, there has been a group of residents looking at replacing some of the dead and dying shrubs, but again, there is just no extra money available at the present time. The BOD did set aside $200.00 for landscaping, and that will probably not be done until Spring.
As far as the ''unpaved street'' you mention, I would like to know more details, and where this street is in the subdivision. If you are talking about the cracking in the asphalt, that is normal wear and tear, and we were told by one of the residents, who is an engineer, that the we could expect to have to re-surface the street in 10 to 12 years, and that is not too far in the future, the street being opened in 1994.
We have been trying to get something going in the common area for at least four years, and again, there is no money available for what the residents seem to want. If you were not at the annual meeting last year, a poll had been taken by Cheryl Seay, and as I recall, the main things people wanted were playground equipment, a sports court of some sort, and a covered area.
As far as letting you know where we are on money, if we do not have any major, unplanned repairs before the end of the year, we will actually end the year $32.38 in the black. The BOD did take $2,000.00 out of the operations account earlier in the year to start a reserve fund. With the 10% increase in assessment ($25.00) approved by the BOD, we will end 2003 $103.00 in the black. The additional increase of $50.00 will all go into the reserve fund.
Again, I appreciate your input about your concerns for the neighborhood. I will mention that this web site does not get too many hits, and I unfortunately am one of those who does not go to it as oftern as I should. The meeings of the Board of Directors are always open to residents, and for the present, we meet the first Thursday of the month, every other month. We met this month, so the next BOD meeting will be in November.
I look forward to your attendance at the annual Homeowners Meeting Thursday evening.
John Thompson
President (for two more days)
Pembroke Farms Board of Directors