WEDNESDAY, MAY 27, 2009, 7:00 PM
The meeting was called to order at 7:15by Vice President John Anderson. In attendance were Board members Al Delio, Fred Best, Daniel Rodriguez and Trisha Eckoff. Also in attendance was Lana Bogdan from Premier Community Managers.
Proof of Notice was acknowledged unanimously and a quorum certified.
A motion was made by Al to approve the April meeting minutes, 2nd by John, UA.
Al gave the financial report for month ending April and the ADR was reviewed. Lana to let the Board know the cost of forclosing on a homeowner that is past due and they will decide if that is the direction to go.
Old Business:
Entry Lighting: Trisha had a bid for fixing and replace the broken lighting at the entrance. Board reviewed it
and decided that they could do most of the repairs themselves.
Vandalism at Pool: Dan had bids from camera companies. There are many different options. Board decided to table this issue unless more vandalism occurs.
New Business:
Dan made a motion that John become the new President for the Board of Directors. Fred seconded and motion
Carried unanimously.
Dan made a motion that Trish become the new Vice President. Fred seconded and motion carried.
ARB Committee:
Gail discussed all ARB applications received this month and turned in the originals to Lana.
A motion was made by Fred to adjourn the meeting, 2nd by John, UA. Time was 8:30.