Summer 2008 Volume 1 Number 1 Issue Number 001 Date: June, 2008
Our New Board of Directors
President - Abdullah R. Muhammad 762-3184
Vice- Pres. - Don Patridge 762-3852
Secretary - Linda Bird 764-1593
Treasurer - Ann Morris 762-4473
Your Street Representatives
44th Street Phyllis Knight 764-2587
Lea Blvd. Ted Reiver 764-2040
Market St. Ted Reiver 764-2040
42nd Street Tanisha Dungee 764-7316
41st Street Kevin Willard 507-4255
40th Street Joyce Alexander 764-2450
39th Street Vacant
38th Street Olvan Jones *******
37th Street Vacant
36th Street Ann Morris 762-4473
As you can see from the list above, we are in
need of more residents willing to represent their street.
You may feel that your voice is not heard in
other political forums, but it is heard within this forum--your Penn-Rose Civic Association! Get involved and make a difference ?…it?’s where you Live!
Our next Meeting is?…Wed. June 4th at 6:30pm
Police Athletic League, 3707 N. Market Street
2nd floor meeting room next to the elevators.
Our Guest Speaker will be the Recorder of deeds for New Castle County. Come and find out how this important office serves the public, and can be of serve to you.
What?’s Happening in Penn-Rose
2008 Meeting Schedule & Guest Speakers:
August 6th -- Code and Law Enforcement
October 1st -- Councilman Cartier, Photo History of the Philadelphia Pike
December 3rd -- Charity Group to be announced
Annual Calendar of Events
January - No Meeting
February - Social Meeting
March - Snow Watch
April - Dumpster Day* (Elections)
May - Yard and Garden Awards
June - Community Garage Sale* - 2nd Saturday
July - Celebration and Vacation
August - Block Party*
September - Adopt a Family (School Supplies)
October - Theater Month
November - Turkey Give-away
December - Adopt a Family (Holiday Giving)
We hope that you will share this calendar with your family and friends. We want to make Penn-Rose an exciting place to live!
* For all outdoor events indicated by the asterisk, the following weekend will be the rain date.
Minutes from April?’s Meeting
The meeting started at 6:40pm with the following individuals in attendance: Don Patridge, Pres.; Abdullah Muhammad, V.P.; Ann Morris, Treas.; Linda Bird, Secy; Skip Hodgdon, Ted Reiver, Paul Tabasso, Joyce Alexander, Lillian Sutton, Cpl. Amy Kevis, NCCPD; John Cartier, NCC Council, and Rep. Dennis Williams, Delaware General Assembly.
The meeting began with Cpl. Kevis, who had to leave early, giving a crime report on our neighborhood. She reported on the following:
More crimes of opportunity occurring
Very few crimes of any type in our area
Volunteers needed at the Police Station to relieve officers to go on patrol.
All residents with burglar alarms, have to register them with the County.
The parking problems that persist at Pine Street and Lea Blvd. have to be reported to the State Police.
Minutes of February?’s Meeting
Minutes were read and approved with two additions and one correction from Abdullah.
Treasure?’s Report
Ann reported a balance of $1,188.96 in our checking account, which was unchanged since February?’s meeting. The report was approved as read.
Report from Elected Officials
Rep. Dennis Williams shared details of the state?’s budget dilemma. He indicated that millions of dollars have to be cut and new funding sources have to be found in order to balance the budget. Legislatures are prepared to tap into the $184 million Rainy Day Fund and the $79 million in the Tobacco Fund. Also, he mentioned that he is getting the word out to all 32 of the active Civic Associations that are in his district. Councilman Cartier shared the following points about the New Castle County budget:
No new property tax hikes proposed
Cuts in non-essential spending
General Resource Funds will be used
County has $32 million in Rainy Day Fund
County is running on a structural deficit
County proposes no increases in pay to union workers, including State and County police officers, but they want arbitration for more pay.
Courtyard Apartments have been closed and sold as of 3/26, but there are no details. Sellers Park lease ends in May, still looking for Friends of Sellers Park to take up slack.
New Business -- Elections
Dumpster Day scheduled for June had to be rescheduled for October due to the once a year use by the County.
Election Results: Abdullah Muhammad was elected President, Don Patridge accepted VP and both Ann and Linda were unopposed for Treasurer and Secretary, respectively.
Meeting adjourned at 8:15pm