Perkerson Civic Association

Stewart-Lakewood Library




  Mr. Scott Parham - Branch Manager


2893 Lakewood Avenue, SW / Atlanta, GA 30315



Just moved into the neighborhood, or already live in the neighborhood and want to find out information to help you about what is happening. Well, the place to go is your local public library branch---Stewart-Lakewood Library. You will find plenty of brochures and notices to help you know what is happening.

               [Check Out The Library Links Below - End of Page]


Library Cards:

Your Atlanta-Fulton Public Library Card can open the door to a world of information.The library system offers books, e-AudioBooks, DVDs, CDs, and video for you to borrow to use and enjoy, with additional services online through the library systems website. Cardholders may borrow up to 25 items at one time. Cardholders may also reserve meeting rooms at no charge.

Who can apply for a library card?

We issue free cards to everyone who lives in Fulton County, as well as people who live inside the legal city limits of the City of Atlanta, including the part of the City of Atlanta that is in DeKalb County.
We also issue free cards to people who are currently teaching in Fulton County and the City of Atlanta in DeKalb, (including homeschooling parents), to people who are going to a school in Fulton County and the City of Atlanta in DeKalb, and to people who own property or a business in the area.

Please note: Sometimes people who have an Atlanta mailing address may not live in Fulton County or in the City of Atlanta in DeKalb. We’ll be happy to check your address.


Library cards for children:

Children enjoy libraries, and parents are invited to apply for even the youngest members of their family. Children’s applications are available at all library branches and also online. A parent or legal guardian must sign applications for children who are under 13 years old. Children may register online, but we ask that a parent or guardian visit a library branch to activate the card and supply identification that shows the parent’s or child’s current residential address.

Library cards for teachers:
We support education! If you teach at any licensed educational organization in Fulton County or in the City of Atlanta, including the City of Atlanta in DeKalb, or if you are a homeschooling parent in the same area, we offer you an educator’s card. Complete the application in person at any of our branches or online, provide a document or signature that verifies that you are currently teaching within our service area, and we’ll issue you a card that allows you to check out up to 50 items at one time.

Library cards for business and property owners:

When you own a business or property in Fulton County or the City of Atlanta in DeKalb you’re eligible for a free library card with the Atlanta-Fulton Public Library System. Visit any of our branches, complete a short application, and show us a current business license or current paid property tax bill. In many cases we can issue a card right away. We do need the signature of the business or property owner before we can open the account.

Non-residents' cards:

If you don’t qualify for a free card, we’d still like to have you as a borrower. Non-residents may apply for a library card at any of our library branches by completing an application, showing identification with a current name and address, and paying a non-refundable fee of $40 per person per year. The $40 fee gives you full borrowing privileges with the Atlanta-Fulton Public Library System.

How to apply for a library card:

If you have a few minutes, visit one of Atlanta-Fulton Public Library System's 34 branches, complete an application, show us some identification with your current name and address, and we’ll issue you a card that you can use right away. You’re welcome to apply online too. We’ll process your application and mail you an inactive card. After you receive the card, take the card and identification with your current name and address to one of our branches. In just a few minutes, we’ll activate the card, give you a PIN for your account, and you can begin borrowing.

Identification requirements for a library card:

Here are some kinds of identification that you can use to obtain or activate your library card. To obtain a library card, you must show a form (or forms) of identification that shows who you are and where you live.

• Driver's license

• Student ID card

• Voter registration card

• Printed checks with current address

• Rent receipts or lease

• Social services identification

• Fulton County property tax receipts

• Current utility bill

• Parent/Guardians may use their ID to obtain cards for their children

Your Privacy:

The Atlanta-Fulton Public Library System will follow applicable Federal and State laws relating to the confidentiality of library records.

Using Your Card / Your Responsibilities:

You are responsible for all items borrowed on your card. Report a lost, missing or stolen library card immediately by contacting your local branch library or emailing the library system at the main website. This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Most cards are valid for two years. Renew your card by presenting the card and identification with your current name and residential address at any library branch. We will renew your card after you have cleared all fines, fees and overdue materials from your record. You may use your library card to borrow at all libraries in the Atlanta-Fulton Public Library System (except the Auburn Avenue Research Library, a special collection all of whose materials must be used on the premises). You will need your library card to borrow materials and to use library computers. Library cards are issued to an individual and the library system expects the card to be used only by the person who signed it. Special situations will be handled on a case-by-case basis. [All links can be accessed at the bottom of the page in the Links Library Section].


Lost or Stolen Cards:

If your card is lost or stolen, please notify the library system immediately. This can be done by calling your nearest branch or 404-730-1824. Replacement cards cost $1 each.

Borrowing & Returning:

Loan Periods: You may borrow up to 25 items for the following time periods:

• Popular or "Browse" Materials - 14 days (no renewals)

• CDs - 28 days (10 per card, two renewals)

• DVDs and VHS - 7 days (5 per card, two renewals)

• All other materials - 28 days


Avoid library fines! You may renew most materials two times. Popular or "Browse" materials and anything that’s been requested by another library patron cannot be renewed. You may renew materials over the phone by using our TeleLibrarian Service at 404-730-1860 or visit the main library web site at the link at the bottom of the page, log on to your account using your library card number and your PIN, and renew your checkouts.

We strongly encourage you to return materials by the due date. Overdue materials will impact your borrowing privileges and delinquent accounts will be referred to a materials recovery agency.

Fines / Lost & Damaged Items
Fines for overdue materials are as follows:

• Adult/Young Adult Books and other materials - 10 cents a day, maximum $5 per item

• Adult/Young Adult DVDs and Videos - $1 per day, maximum $5 per item

• Children's books - 5 cents a day, maximum $3 per item

• Children's VHS and DVDs - $1 per day, maximum $3 per item

• Lost library cards - replacement cards cost $1 each


Lost & Damaged Materials:

Replacement cost for lost or damaged materials is based on the library's average cost charts. Please save your receipt when you pay for lost or damaged material. If you find library materials that you have paid for within 30 days of the payment date, bring the material and your receipt to your library branch to receive a refund. The library system cannot issue refunds more than 30 days after you’ve paid for the material.


Anyone caught stealing or damaging material with intent to steal will be prosecuted in accordance with the law.



February Children's Story Time Activities at Stewart-Lakewood Library

*** Heritage Story Time / 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

*** Heritage Story Time / 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

*** Spanish Story Time / 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.


Children's Story Time / The Meeting Room / Stewart-Lakewood Library

                                          --- Tuesdays @ 10:00 a.m.---

Parents can bring children, daycare centers can bring children/Grandparents bring children.



Thank you to everyone who voted for the 2008 Bond Referendum in favor of replacing and updating our libary system.

Did you know that Stewart-Lakewood Library is the oldest library in the Atlanta-Fulton Public Library System that has not been budgeted for a new library by the Fulton County Commissioners? The library was dedicated in September of 1959.


Next Action Step---Keep the Contact Up With Our Library Director & Board as well as Elected Officials!
Let's contact Commissioner Nancy Boxill, our District 6 Commissioner at (404)730-8226/(404) 730-7790 (Fax) or to let her know that we would like a new library, preferably at the intersection of the Metropolitan Parkway and Avery Road Corner in the Perkerson Community.

Next Step: Fill out a Customer Comment Form (front desk)at the Stewart-Lakewood Library and write ''we want a new library at least 15,000 square feet for our community at the corner of Metropolitan Parkway and Avery Road.


2008 Bond Referendum

In 2008 Fulton County voters approved a $275 million library bond referendum, which provides money for renovation and construction of library facilities in Fulton County. The plan includes money for eight new libraries, a new central library, expansions of two libraries, and renovations of 23 branch libraries. Five 25,000 square foot libraries will be built in Alpharetta, Milton, Northwest Atlanta, Wolf Creek, and Stewart-Lakewood. The Alpharetta and Stewart-Lakewood libraries will replace existing 10,000 square foot libraries, the Northwest Atlanta library will replace three small branch libraries, and the Milton and Wolf Creek libraries will be completely new. A new 10,000 square foot library will be built in Palmetto/Chattahoochee Hill County, and two new 15,000 square foot libraries will be built in Southeast Atlanta and East Roswell. The Southeast Atlanta library will replace three small branch libraries. In the original Library Facility Master Plan $34 million was allocated to fully restore and upgrade the site. In the final referendum, however, $84 million was provided for the construction of a new 300,000 square foot central library. Finally, the Auburn Avenue Research Library and the South Fulton branch library will be expanded.


                                                           TAKE ACTION TO HELP GET WHAT WE NEED!



Dr. Carl Hendrickson/Chair & Mr. Ruben Burney/Vice Chair and Ms. Flora M. Tommie, Secretary, were happy to present the Atlanta-Fulton Library System with a check for over $5,000 for the purchase of four (4) additional computers at the Stewart-Lakewood Library.

This donation was a result of the following contributors:
* Texaco (757 Cleveland Avenue Store - Next to the Summit Building)
* Lakewood Amphitheater Grant
* Perkerson Community Donations

The organization had planned on donating computers to the Gilbert House, however, due to the City of Atlanta's restrictions---the gift was not possible. Therefore, the Perkerson Civic Association decided to vote and formally adopt the community library. They are providing community technology volunteers and plan to contribute more for the "good of the community's children and adults."

Let's thank our businesses and community members. Keep up the fabulous work Perkerson People!

* Pencils, Pens and packs of crayons
* Boxes or Packages of 8 1/2 x 11 Paper
* CD-Roms, Flash Drives, Jump Drives
* Snacks & Beverages for Programs
* Copies of cd's, dvd's & video tapes
* Copies of Children's Books (Best Sellers and Others)
* Copies of Adult Best Sellers
* Hand Sanitizer

We value our teens, and young adults; we want your participation at our library. Volunteer at Stewart-Lakewood Library to help build up our Teenage/ Youth Section. Your input is valuable!
See Mr. Scott Parham: 404-762-4054

Volunteers are always needed to assist patrons utilizing the computers in the Gates Lab. These computers are for word processing, spreadsheets, presentations and online research.

Volunteers should be experienced computer users who can assist with some of the above duties. Teen Friendly.
Volunteer Coordinator: 404-762-4054

A mutually convenient schedule will be arranged for all interested volunteers. Children, Teens, and Family Volunteer Projects can be arranged as well. Just Come Out and Enjoy Helping Your Library!




Encourage Our Teens To Read---Check With Your Librarians!


         For Ages: 13-18

"Reading Is A Tool...Arm Yourself"

You choose what you want to do. Here is how the Teen Reading Program Works:
* Read for 15 minutes a day.
* Read a book, magazine, newspaper or web page or an e-book.
* Listen to a book on tape.
* Watch a video based on a book.

  Ask A Librarian About The "TEEN READ WEEK" and other acitivities, prizes and programs for our teens.

Did you know? can order your items online and request that they be delivered to Stewart-Lakewood Library to be held for pickup by you. can help our library's circulation by having items delivered to Stewart-Lakewood Library.

Go ahead...check out 10's fun! Just remember, your children are watching you, so it's not just about videos but books too.

                                                           ***COMPLETE A CUSTOMER COMMENT FORM***




Library patrons can find books for sale on the Friends Book Cart at the library...below is just a few of the ways to do this.

                                                                  ** Hardback Books cost = $1.00 **
                                                                  ** Paperback Books = $.50 **


The following is just a list of suggestions and ways in which you can help our local library. Try might just make new friends or reconnect with old friends...but you will be guaranteed to have fun.


Volunteers are needed to assist The Friends of Stewart-Lakewood Library Group with book sales at the library. This group raises funds and advocates for our local library. Sorting and lifting.

Volunteers will work with the Friends of Stewart-Lakewood Library Group in setting up learning sessions for the local community.

*** ESL (English as Second Language) TUTORS ***
Volunteers needed to help community members from other countries develop their English/Language skills. Training Provided.

                                                                                  **** MEMBERSHIP ****
Are you interested in membership with an organization that assists the library with fundraising, donations, advocacy, etc.?

Are you interested in joining the group?

--- Call Stewart-Lakewood Library at 404-762-4054 and speak to a librarian or visit the library.  ---



Area libraries surrounding Stewart-Lakewood Library:

                                                                                                * Carver Homes Branch Library

                                                                                                * Cleveland Avenue Branch Library

                                                                                                * Hapeville Branch Library

                                                                                                * Mechanicsville Branch Library

See website links below at Atlanta-Fulton Public Library for information on directions via vehicle and via transit, MARTA.


LIBRARY LINKS: See What''s Upcoming @ Stewart-Lakewood Branch

Georgia Secretary of State Elections Division

Fulton County Elections - Office of Board of Registrars

Stewart-Lakewood Library-Hours, Meeting Room Space, Directions

Library Branch Locations & Directions

Atlanta-Fulton Public Library

The Atlanta-Fulton Public Library History

Southwest Branch Library

Auburn Avenue Research Library on African American Culture and History

Georgia Public Library
Friends of Libraries USA (FOLUSA)
American Library Association (ALA)
Internet Public Library

U.S. Library of Congress

Posted by perkerson on 01/13/2003
Last updated on 01/28/2010
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