Please dial 911 for all emergencies. Be Very Detailed in Your Description. Please give specific address, street name, and nature of emergency as to whether you are reporting a fire or a medical emergency.
The Perkerson Community is served by Fire Station #30 at 10 Cleveland Avenue after you pass K-Mart and before you get to the Rosel Fann Southeast Recreation Center.
Backup Fire Station: Station #20 at Metropolitan Parkway and Manford (behind Advance Auto Parts). One side is Dill Avenue, the other side is Manford.
Mayor Kasim Reed announced today that Kelvin Cochran is the nominee for the position of Chief of the Atlanta Fire Rescue Department. In 2009, Cochran was appointed by President Barack Obama as the U.S. Fire Administrator for the United States Fire Administration in Washington, D.C.
“I am pleased to announce my selection of Kelvin Cochran as the next Chief of the Atlanta Fire Rescue Department,” said Mayor Kasim Reed. “I think that Kelvin is the ideal candidate because he already has great knowledge of the City of Atlanta, and the time he spent in the Obama administration, working with the Department of Homeland Security and FEMA, gave him additional experience to serve our great city.”
“For those reasons, I believe he’ll be a true asset to the City and I look forward to welcoming him back to Atlanta,” added Mayor Reed.
Past Info on Chief Cochran:
In 1999, Chief Kelvin J. Cochran was appointed as the Department’s first African American Fire Chief by Mayor Keith Hightower. Under the Chief Cochran the Department maintained its Class 1 rating. He successfully passed a bond initiative in 2001 to build three fire stations - including a new Dallas W. Greene Central Fire Station and Administrative Offices, and renovate a new Fire Maintenance facility. Firefighter staffing and pay also increased during Chief Cochran’s tenure. Cochran is also credited with significantly increasing the department’s EMS capabilities by increasing the number of Medic Units (ambulances) from 7 to 10, implementing 5 ALS Engines, and adding an additional Medical Director. Chief Cochran retired from Shreveport in 2007 to become the Fire Chief in Atlanta, Georgia. In 2009, President Barak Obama appointed Chief Cochran as the United States Fire Administrator. [See Rest of Article Below]
Office of the Fire Chief:
The Fire Chief's Office is responsible for the overall operation and direction of the Atlanta Fire Department through the implementation of the agency's strategic plan. The office also ensures that the plan's objectives are proactive and consistent with the City of Atlanta's mission, vision and values.The office consists of the Office Assistant, Executive Secretary, Fire Chief's Aid, the Chaplain and the Public Information Officer. The Office of Professional Standards is a section within the Office of the Fire Chief and is responsible for background investigations, internal affairs, advocacy and recruitment.
Our firefighters are members of our public safety team who should not be forgotten. Let's show we care for their services by actively supporting them in their needs. Their needs are no always covered in the City of Atlanta's Budget, so we need you to always keep track of the City of Atlanta Budget...make phone calls to Mayor's Office and All City Council Members to let them know to include firefighters salary increases and station improvements.
Major Perkerson Community Projects With Atlanta Fire Department & Watershed:
In the year 2008, we started a major safety initiative to work on fire safety in our neighborhood with Fire Chief Kelvin Cochran and Ms. Claudie Nash of the Atlanta Fire Department. The Perkerson Community had a history of fires happening in the neighborhood being on the rise. The distribution of smoke detectors and radon detectors for homes with 10-year life span batteries. This was to begin to make fire safety a major component of
* Distribution of smoke detectors with batteries and radon detectors to over 300 households in the Perkerson neighborhood.
* Distribution and installation of smoke detectors with batteries and radon detectors to 79 trailers at 501 Connell Avenue.
* Distribution of smoke detectors with batteries & radon detectors to workers at retail establishments in Perkerson neighborhood.
What else can my fire department help me do? If you cannot afford a child safety seat or booster seat (required by Georgia Law), then drop by any Atlanta Fire Station for procedures to obtain one for free. If you are not sure about how to properly secure a child safety seat or booster seat then drop by any Atlanta Fire Station for fire fighters to show you properly.
Read below and stop by your local fire station house to find out more. Visit the fire stations to find out about
You can always drop by the fire station to check out our community's fire equipment. So take a couple of pies or some fruit---it does not hurt us to show our support. We know that our firefighters can cook.
The anniversary of the September 11, 2001 tragedies remind everyone to think of our firefighters as heroes again---they have always been there for us. It's up to us to be there for them. Show your support!
Services of The Atlanta Fire Department is a community-based organization. The department provides the following services to the citizens of Atlanta:
* Fire Suppression & Emergency Medical Services
* Fire Code Enforcement
* Fire Investigations
* Fire Reports
* Fire Permits
* Plan Review for New Constructions
* Home Safety Inspections
* Fire Safety Inspections of Commercial Buildings
* Weekend & Night Inspection of Nightclubs & Restaurants
* Inspections for Alcoholic Beverage Licenses
* Fire Evacuation Planning for Commercial Buildings
* Fire Safety Programs for Citizens, Businesses, Schools & Civic Groups
* Health & Safety Fairs
* Burglar Bar Program
* Fire Station Tours
* Smoke Detector Give-A-Way Program
* Free Blood Pressure Screening Program
* CPR Training
* Juvenile Fire Setters Program
* Fire Extinguisher Training
* Daycare Providers Workshop
* Fire Cadet Training Program for Atlanta High School Juniors & Seniors
* Hazardous Materials Response
* Cave-In Response
* High-rise Rope Rescue
* Auto Extrication
* Trench Rescue
It takes a lot of money to help people who survive burns. Our firefighters hit the streets where you will see them with boots collecting monies for the Georgia Firefighters Burn Foundation. In 2007, GFBF Celebrated 25 Years of Service!
*** What GFBF is all about ***:
Founded in 1982 by a group of DeKalb area firefighters, the Georgia Firefighters Burn Foundation's goal is to help burn survivors in their journey of recovery as well as to prevent others from experiencing the traumatic event of a burn injury.
It serves all of Georgia in its three fold mission:
*To educate the public in burn awareness and prevention
*To support medical facilities in the care of burns in Georgia
*To assist burn survivors in their recovery
In order to succeed in this mission it relies on the support of our dedicated volunteers and their generous contributions of time, talent and resources.
Mayor Kasim Reed announced today that Kelvin Cochran is the nominee for the position of Chief of the Atlanta Fire Rescue Department. In 2009, Cochran was appointed by President Barack Obama as the U.S. Fire Administrator for the United States Fire Administration in Washington, D.C.
“I am pleased to announce my selection of Kelvin Cochran as the next Chief of the Atlanta Fire Rescue Department,” said Mayor Kasim Reed. “I think that Kelvin is the ideal candidate because he already has great knowledge of the City of Atlanta, and the time he spent in the Obama administration, working with the Department of Homeland Security and FEMA, gave him additional experience to serve our great city.”
“For those reasons, I believe he’ll be a true asset to the City and I look forward to welcoming him back to Atlanta,” added Mayor Reed.
Cochran has 29 years of fire service experience. He served as Fire Chief of the City of Atlanta from 2008-2009 before being appointed by President Barack Obama to serve as the U.S. Fire Administrator in Washington D.C.. As the U.S. Fire Administrator, Cochran was charged with overseeing, coordinating, and directing national efforts to prevent fires and improve fire response. Cochran also headed fire prevention and safety education programs and professional development opportunities for emergency responders at all levels of government.
Cochran has also served as Fire Chief of Shreveport, Louisiana. He is experienced in leadership and administration in all phases of the fire and emergency services including fire protection services, emergency medical services, hazardous materials, special operations, recruitment, hiring, promotional systems, public education, research and development, homeland security and emergency management. Cochran has experience with professional associations and non-governmental organizations. He has a Bachelor of Science in Organizational Management from Wiley College and a Master of Science in Industrial Organizational Psychology from Louisiana Tech University.
In accepting the appointment, Cochran said, “It’s an extreme honor to have been appointed by Mayor Kasim Reed to return to Atlanta as the next Fire Chief of the Atlanta Fire Rescue Department. Serving at the Federal level has truly been a highlight of my fire service career. Being America’s Fire Chief cannot be understated, but I believe being Atlanta’s Fire Chief is my career purpose and calling.”
The Atlanta Fire Rescue Search Committee was chaired by Cobb County Fire and Emergency Services Chief Sam Heaton and included: East Point Deputy Chief William Ware, David Allman, Professor Bahareh Azizi, Marcia Bansley, Johnny Dixon, Vonda Henry, Charles Johnson, former Georgia Department of Human Resources Jim Martin, Helene Mills, Hon. Mary Norwood, and Ken Prince. Boardwalk Consulting was the executive search firm which led the process.
Former Atlanta Fire Chief Confirmed by U.S. Senate as Nation's Fire Chief
Release Date: August 7, 2009
Release Number: HQ-09-097
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Administrator Craig Fugate today applauded the Senate's confirmation of Kelvin Cochran as the Administrator of the U.S. Fire Administration.
"As the Chief of the Atlanta Fire Rescue Department as well as the former chief in Shreveport, LA, Chief Cochran brings extensive experience to a critical position within our Agency and the Department of Homeland Security," said Administrator Fugate. "The USFA plays a critical role in our efforts to mitigate, prepare, and respond to disasters and emergencies, and I look forward to working with Chief Cochran as we continue to build our national emergency response team."
Cochran has twenty-eight years of experience in the fire service including fire fighting, emergency medical services, hazardous materials, public education, research and development, personnel management, and administration, with a specialization in training and strategic planning.
Most recently, Cochran served as Fire Chief for the City of Atlanta Fire Rescue Department, where he coordinated homeland security and emergency preparedness initiatives between the City of Atlanta and the Atlanta Fulton County Emergency Management Agency (AFCEMA) and oversaw 35 fire stations providing fire, rescue and emergency medical services.
Previously, he served in the Shreveport, La. fire department as a Firefighter, Assistant Chief Training Officer, and Fire Chief. Cochran also served as President of the Metropolitan Fire Chiefs Association, the 1st Vice President of the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC), and Vice Chairman of Volunteers of America (VOA).
FEMA's mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards. (See Links Below)
View Archieve Webcast-Kelvin Cochran's Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs
Creative Loafing Article: Atlanta Fire Chief Kelvin Cochran Confirmed for Federal Post
Creative Loafing Article: Atlanta Fire Chief Headed to D.C.
NVFC Endorses Chief Kelvin Cochran's Nomination for USFA Fire Administrator
Shreveport, LA KTBS 3 News: Kelvin Cochran
The IAFC Endorses Chief Kelvin Cochran's Nomination to be U.S. Fire Administrator
City of Atlanta Fire Department
City of Atlanta Fire Department - Who to Call
City of Atlanta Fire Department Station Locations
Building A Better Fire Department National Conference
Georgia Firefighters Burn Foundation
National Fire Protection Association: Key Dates in Fire History
Wikipedia Encyclopedia: List of Historic Fires
Google Timeline: History of Fires in Atlanta, GA
Creative Loafing Article: Great Atlanta Fire of 1917
The Winecoff Hotel Fire of 1946
Mayor Kasim Reed today announced the final three candidates to lead the Atlanta Fire Rescue Department. This slate of finalists is the result of a three-month national search conducted on the City’s behalf by an appointed search committee and Boardwalk Consulting, an executive search firm.
After receiving the search committee’s recommendations, Mayor Reed and Chief Operating Officer Peter Aman individually interviewed five candidates and then narrowed the list down to three. The final three candidates for Chief of the Atlanta Fire Rescue Department are Joel Baker, Kelvin Cochran, and Brenda Nishiyama Willis.
“These candidates have the experience and leadership skills to help make the Atlanta Fire Rescue Department the best-trained and responsive in the nation,” said Mayor Reed. “I am also looking for individuals who will value the communities they serve and work with them to develop sound public safety policies and initiatives to move our City forward.”
“I am confident that soon we will have the right person in place to lead the Atlanta Fire Rescue Department,” Mayor Reed added. Mayor Reed expects to make a final decision in June.
The Atlanta Fire Rescue Search Committee was chaired by Cobb County Fire and Emergency Services Chief Sam Heaton and included: East Point Deputy Chief William Ware, David Allman, Professor Bahareh Azizi, Marcia Bansley, Johnny Dixon, Vonda Henry, Charles Johnson, former Georgia Department of Human Resources Jim Martin, Helene Mills, Hon. Mary Norwood, and Ken Prince.
In alphabetical order, the three finalists for Fire Chief are as follows:
1. Joel Baker, Interim Fire Chief, City of Atlanta, Atlanta, Georgia
Baker has more than 22 years of fire service experience working as a Firefighter/Paramedic, Fire Lieutenant, Fire Captain, Section Fire Chief, and currently Interim Fire Chief of the City of Atlanta. Baker is experienced in all phases of fire services including: fire fighting, emergency medical services, hazardous materials/technical rescue, recruiting, EEOC/internal affairs, research and development, and performance evaluation and administration, specializing in Homeland Security and emergency preparedness. Baker is currently a third year student in the National Fire Academy’s Executive Fire Officer Program. He earned a Bachelor of Science in Human Resources, Development and Policy from Georgia State University and a Master of Public Administration from Columbus State University.
2. Kelvin Cochran, U.S. Fire Administrator, United States Fire Administration, Washington, D.C.
Cochran has 29 years of fire service experience. He served as Fire Chief of the City of Atlanta from 2008-2009 before being appointed by President Barack Obama to serve as the U.S. Fire Administrator in Washington D.C. He also has served as Fire Chief of Shreveport, Louisiana. Cochran is experienced in leadership and administration in all phases of the fire and emergency services: fire protection services, emergency medical services, hazardous materials, special operations, recruitment, hiring, promotional systems, public education, research and development, discipline performance management, homeland security, emergency management with specialization in training, professional development strategic planning and facilitation. Cochran is also experienced in a leadership and administrative capacity with professional associations and non-governmental organizations. He has a Bachelor of Science in Organizational Management from Wiley College and a Master of Science in Industrial Organizational Psychology from Louisiana Tech University.
3. Brenda Nishiyama Willis, Atlanta Fire and Rescue Department, Atlanta, GA
Willis has more than 32 years of fire service experience and more than 29 years of experience with the Atlanta Fire Rescue Department in positions of increasing responsibility. In her current role, she manages airport field commands and airport operations, develops and implements department-wide plans, policies and goals, and oversees interdepartmental relations. She also has extensive experience in supervision and management and creating, implementing and monitoring budgets. Throughout her career, Willis has held positions as Fire Deputy Chief of Operations, Fire Battalion Chief-Suppression, Chief of Training Fire Lieutenant and Fire Apparatus Operator. Willis received her Bachelor of Science summa cum laude in Fire Science Administration from Brenau College School of Professional Studies.
AJC.COM / By Rick Badie / The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Clarence Leathers Sr. responded to numerous calls as a city of Atlanta firefighter.
He talked about some fires, but there was one he seldom mentioned: the 1946 Winecoff Hotel fire in which 119 people lost their lives. Leathers, assigned to Station No. 10, saw people leap to their deaths. He smelled burning flesh and heard cries for help.
"Daddy said he couldn't eat for two weeks after that fire," said a son, Charles Leathers of Douglasville. "That fire was something he wouldn't talk about and when he would, he wouldn't give you many details. I've seen books and pictures of it, so I know it was horrible."
The so-called "fireproof" hotel at Peachtree and Ellis streets caught fire at 3:42 a.m., on Dec. 7. Mr. Leathers told relatives how he and another firefighter made their way to the second floor of the 15-story building. A man and a woman were trying to escape.
"Wait here," the firefighters told them.
Instead, the man jumped out the window.
"Daddy never understood why he did that," his son said.
Mr. Leathers lived in Douglasville, but had recently moved to Hollywood, Fla., to be near his daughter. On Saturday, Clarence Luther Leathers Sr.died of natural causes at Mercy Hospital in Miami. He was 96. The funeral will be 11 a.m. today in the chapel of Whitley-Garner at Rosehaven Funeral Home in Douglasville.
Mr. Leathers was born in Paulding County, the son of the late Minnie Mobley and Thomas Henry Leathers. His mother died from the Spanish flu when he was a toddler so he and another sibling lived with relatives in Atlanta.
His 28 years with the fire department were interrupted once, when he joined the Navy during World War II. He retired in 1966, then worked as a U.S. mail carrier in East Point.
Mr. Leathers came from a family of public servants. His father had been an Atlanta police officer; an uncle and brother had been city firefighters.
"City work was in the blood," his son said.
Mr. Leathers' first wife, Vera Sawyer Leathers, died in 1973. Evelyn Defoor Leathers, his second wife, died in 1976.
Mr. Leathers like to read history books and westerns. His favorite author was Louis L'Amour, who wrote about the American frontier.
Years after the Winecoff fire, Mr. Leathers still harbored disturbing memories of the tragedy. Sometimes he would wake up at night to what he thought was the smell of charred flesh and the sounds of bones popping.
"He kept pretty quiet about that fire," his son said. "Others, he'd talk about."
Additional survivors include another son, Clarence Leathers of Fayetteville; a daughter, Vera Ruth Ankrumof Hollywood, Fla.; a brother, Beacher Leathersof Conyers; 11 grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren.
Joel Baker is a native of Atlanta, Georgia. He was Honorably Discharged from the United States Marine Corps (1982). In 2003, Joel served as a Corpsman with the United States Navy Reserve during the Iraqi Enduring Freedom War. He began his professional fire service career with the City of East Point Fire Department (1986). In 1988, Joel joined the Atlanta Fire Rescue Department (AFRD), where he is currently serving as the Interim Fire Chief. During his tenure as a member of the AFRD, he has held the following positions: Firefighter/Paramedic, Fire Lieutenant in Field Operations and the Atlanta Fire Training Academy, Captain to the department’s Hazardous Material/Technical Rescue Unit – Squad 4, Section Chief – Office of Professional Standards and Assistant Chief to the Office of Support Services. As Assistant Chief, he was instrumental in the management of the department’s 86 million dollar budget in addition to developing and implementing the department’s budget reduction strategies.
His previous assignment as Section Chief of the Office of Professional Standards section include overseeing the functions and operations of approximately 300 background investigations, 450 internal affairs complaints, and human resources procedures in accordance with all statues, laws, ordinances, and regulations for which the fire department is accountable. Joel has reviewed and prepared over 500 various documents relating to the department’s EEOC complaints, Psychological Services/Employee Assistance Program, and departmental law suits. Under his leadership, the AFRD implemented a new OPS procedural manual that includes the department’s first Disciplinary Review Panel, which utilizes its first disciplinary matrix. Joel has ensured that the department incorporates the “Douglas Factors,” which is a guideline that must be used by the department’s disciplinary authority (Fire Chief) before mandating any disciplinary actions.
Joel’s educational experiences consist of Dekalb Community College (Georgia Perimeter College) where he received his Associate of Applied Sciences, in Fire Science Technology (1995). Also he is a graduate of Georgia State University – Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, with a Bachelor of Science in Human Resources & Policy Studies (2006). Presently he is attending the Georgia Law Enforcement Command College where he is one course (3 hours) from obtaining his Master of Public Administration (Justice Administration) degree from Columbus State University (Columbus, Georgia).
On July 9, 2008, Joel was recognized by the Commission on Professional Credentialing and received his Chief Fire Officer Designation (CFOD). This certification is received by demonstrating a high level of competence, as witnessed by his peers, documenting professional, educational, technical, and community service achievements and fulfilling prescribed standards of performance, ethics, and conduct. Currently he is attending the Executive Fire Officer Program (EFOP) as a third year student (August 2009) at the National Fire Academy, Emmitsburg, MD.
As an Atlanta native, he is deeply rooted in community service organizations, to name a few: The Atlanta Citizens Fire Academy, Atlanta Citizens Emergency Response Team (ACERT), Board of Trustees at Kelly Chapel United Methodist Church, and the Atlanta Chapter of the Tuskegee Airmen.