This site Includes Information for Job Seekers relating to the Georgia, U.S. and governmental services sections. Follow the links in order to be able to take full advantage of all resources available to you during these hard economic times.
The Georgia Department of Labor:
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The mission of the Georgia Department of Labor is to work with public and private partners in building a world-class workforce system that contributes to Georgia's economic prosperity. We accomplish this by helping individuals attain their work goals and increase independence and self-sufficiency through employment, training, comprehensive rehabilitation, and support services. We also help employers meet their business needs through employee recruitment and selection services, workforce information, and technical support.
The department is made up of approximately 4,000 professional employees who are dedicated to providing quality customer service to the current and emerging employers and workforce of Georgia.
We offer a wide range of services which include finding jobs for people, job training, vocational rehabilitation and job search for people with disabilities, administration of the state's unemployment insurance trust fund, workplace safety inspections, and public awareness programs.
We are always looking for better ways to serve job seekers and employers. This web site is one example of how we are using the latest technology to provide faster, more efficient service. You now have instant access to thousands of jobs listed with the department, and they can be found on the Find A Job page. Job listings are updated daily.
Thank you for your interest in the Georgia Department of Labor, and please let us know whenever we can help you.
Georgia Department of Labor - Home Page
Site includes Job Central; Major Job and Resume Banks; News Voyager; Ability Jobs for Job Seekers; State, Local and Federal Government Jobs.
Georgia Work$:
In response to historically high levels of unemployment, Georgia Department of Labor (GDOL) Commissioner Michael L. Thurmond created Georgia Work$ (GW$), an innovative training initiative designed to stimulate job growth and hiring.
GW$ allows unemployment insurance (UI) claimants to draw UI benefits, while receiving workplace training from a potential employer for a maximum of 24 hours per week for up to six weeks. Claimants qualify for up to $300 in training stipends (an average of $50 weekly) to help defray training related costs such as child care and transportation. Upon completion of training, participants receive credentials of acquired job skills and are considered for employment. About 60 percent of those who complete GW$ training have been hired.
Through GW$, more than 3,000 UI claimants have been hired upon completion of training and nearly 6,000 different Georgia employers have participated.
GW$ information is available in each of the department's 53 career centers throughout the state.
Interested UI claimants should take the following steps for program consideration:
Email inquiries to GW$ telephone operators are available at 1-877-WORKS09 (1-877-967-5709).
Benefits of Georgia Work$
Benefits to Employers
Benefits to Claimants
Benefits to the GDOL and State
Unemployment Compensation - Tax Information:
Unemployment compensation is taxable income and must be reported each year even if you have repaid some or all of the benefits received. Form 1099-G is mailed each year, at the end of January, to anyone who was paid unemployment benefits or Alternative Trade Adjustment Assistance payments during the calendar year, January 1 to December 31. This tax information is posted as soon as possible each January for the prior tax year. If you need any information for earlier years, send a written request to:
Unemployment Insurance Policy and Procedures Section
148 Andrew Young International Blvd., N.E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303–1751
Questions about taxation of unemployment insurance compensation or other tax matters should be directed to the IRS or your tax adviser.
Georgia Labor Department: Form 1099-G Tax Information
Extended Benefits Program:
On March 2, 2010, President Obama signed legislation to extend the timeframe of Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) and full funding of State Extended Benefits (SEB) through week ending April 3, 2010. The new bill did not add more weeks of benefits, but extended the period of time someone could file for EUC.
The prior deadline for filing for EUC was week ending February 27, 2010. The approved legislation moves the filing deadline to April 3, 2010.
Individuals receiving EUC, who have a balance remaining in their current tier as of the week beginning April 4, 2010, may claim the remainder of their EUC balance. No EUC payments can be made for weeks ending after September 11, 2010.
If the benefit period is extended by Congress and signed into law by the President after April 3, 2010, you will be notified by mail. This page will be updated with information as it becomes available.
To receive any of the extended benefit programs, individuals must: (1) be currently unemployed; and (2) not be eligible to establish a new regular unemployment claim in Georgia, any other state, U.S. territory, or Canada.
In the event of multiple EUC claims, the EUC claim established earliest will be augmented first. Any subsequent EUC claims will be augmented accordingly. Legislation states that a new EUC claim cannot be established based on the most recent UI claim until benefits on the prior EUC claim have been exhausted.
File an Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) Claim
Additional SEB Claim Information and to file a claim
Georgia Work Ready is transforming our state's workforce into our number one competitive advantage. By ensuring Georgia workers have the best skills and training opportunities, we can guarantee businesses have the talent they need to succeed today and the resources they need to meet future challenges.
Georgia Work Ready was launched in August 2006 by Governor Sonny Perdue and the Georgia Chamber of Commerce to improve the job training and marketability of Georgia's workforce and drive future economic growth for the state. It is the only initiative of its kind to be conducted through a partnership between a state government and state chamber of commerce, ensuring that companies can more reliably match the right people with the right jobs. Work Ready is based on a skills assessment and certification for job seekers and a job profiling system for businesses. By identifying both the needs of business and the available skills of Georgia's workforce, the state can more effectively generate the right talent for the right jobs.
Link: Georgia Work Ready Initiative Fact Sheet
Link: Get Certified for Georgia Work Ready Initiative
The state of Georgia, along with the rest of the nation, is facing an unprecedented economic crisis. To help our citizens get back on their feet, the state has launched Be Work Ready - a unique program designed to help people showcase and improve their work readiness skills.
Be Work Ready is helping unemployed citizens jump start their job search, gain confidence and a competitive advantage in the marketplace. It provides a financial incentive for unemployed Georgians who earn a Work Ready Certificate - or those who have earned a Work Ready Certificate since Sept. 1, 2008 - and another for those who improve their skill level through free, online training.
By taking part in Be Work Ready, Georgia's unemployed job seekers gain a valuable competitive advantage for their job search - a Work Ready Certificate, powered by ACT WorkKeys® accredited National Career Readiness Certificate. The opportunity to earn a Work Ready Certificate is offered at no cost via the state's network of technical colleges, and validates an individuals' skill and knowledge levels to potential employers. Free, online skills gap training helps individuals improve their Work Ready Certificate level. See below for more information on how to earn a Work Ready Certificate.
This site allows you to apply for your initial Be Work Ready incentive - available when you earn your Work Ready Certificate at any level, and apply for a Be Work Ready reassessment incentive$100.00 prepaid card mailed to your home to assist you with job search expenses and a $200.00 pre-paid card for improving your level when you take advantage of skills gap training to improve your Certificate level. The Certificate is an incentive.
Be Work Ready incentive packages are now being processed weekly. Since July 6th, over 1500 Georgians have received a pre-paid incentive for earning their Work Ready Certificate. More important, over 3,250 Georgian Certificate holders that were unemployed have found a job over the last six months.
Link: U.S. Labor Department Home Page
Deborah Lum, Executive Director
404-546-7824 (Office) / 404-739-4134 (Fax)
Updated March 5, 2010 |
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