Perkerson Civic Association

NPU System History & Meeting Minutes


The following information explains the history of the Neighborhood Planning Unit System in Atlanta, Georgia. The items highlighted in blue can be clicked upon to access the information.


     To Email NPU-X Chair:

     To Email NPU-X Zoning Contact:

     To Email NPU-X City Planner:


To see all address and contact information for NPU-X, click on NPU Contact Information listed below.


Election for 2010 Officers and by-laws:

By-laws - Revision to bylaws to make sure eligible voting requirements applies to meeting decisions as well as officer elections. Voting eligibility requires attending one meeting prior to being eligible to vote. Some considered the requirement weak but the motion was made to accept the revision and it was approved by consensus.  Motion to approve bylaws with amendment above. 20 approved; 0 opposed; 2 abstained.

Officer Elections:

President—Ruben Burney, II, (Vote: 19 approved; 0 opposed; 1 abstained)

Vice President—Pam Young (Vote: 18 approved; 0 opposed; 4 abstained)

Treasurer—Sigrid Read (Vote: 21 approved; 0 opposed; 0 abstained)

Secretary—Carol Coney (Vote: 21 approved; 0 opposed; 1 abstained)

Sergeant-at-Arms—David Read (Vote: 24 approved; 0 opposed; 0 abstained)

Parliamentarian—Oscar Leonard (Vote: 25 approved; 0 opposed; 0 abstained)

Lakewood Amphitheater Oversight Committee – Ruben Burney, Carl Hendrickson, Be Edwards, Steve Bavec—Accepted and approved by consensus)

Lakewood Amphitheater Finance Committee – Sherry Adams, Lisa Manka, Jackie Crenshaw - (Accepted and approved by consensus)


Neighborhood Planning Units


What is a Neighborhood Planning Unit?

The City of Atlanta is divided into twenty-five Neighborhood Planning Units or NPUs, which are citizen advisory councils that make recommendations to the Mayor and City Council on zoning, land use, and other planning issues.  The NPU system was established in 1974 to provide an opportunity for citizens to participate actively in the Comprehensive Development Plan, now called the Atlanta Strategic Action Plan, which is the city's vision for the next five, ten, and fifteen years.  It is also used as a way for citizens to receive information concerning all functions of city government.  The system enables citizens to express ideas and comment on city plans and proposals while assisting the city in developing plans that best meet the needs of their communities.


NPUs meet on a monthly basis. Issues that are considered include zoning issues, park event applications, liquor license renewals, and environmental issues. Membership is open to anyone 18 or older whose primary residence is within the NPU, or any corporation, organization, institution or agency that owns property or has a place of business or profession within the NPU. NPU-X has a requirement that anyone voting must have attended at least 3 meetings in the past 12 months. In general, the NPU asks that anyone seeking a permit, variance, etc. to first go to the neighborhood association in the area that will be affected by the request. In the case of Perkerson, it is the Perkerson Civic Association (PCA). The NPU is not bound by the PCA vote although generally it does vote the same way. The NPU's vote goes to the appropriate city department (i.e., the Zoning Review Board) but the city may choose to make a decision counter to both the PCA and the NPU-X.


Which NPU do I live in?

We live in the boundaries of NPU-X. The map below shows all twenty-five Neighborhood Planning Units in the City of Atlanta.  You can find your neighborhood by looking at an alphabetical list of neighborhoods that shows which NPU each neighborhood belongs to or by looking at an alphabetical list of NPUs and the neighborhoods they contain.  You can also click on the map below to see a more detailed map of the neighborhoods within each NPU.


When and where does my NPU meet?

   Stewart-Lakewood Library -2893 Lakewood Avenue, SW / Atlanta, Georgia 30315

   2nd Monday of Each Month @ 7:00 p.m. as listed below:


---January 10, 2011 / Re-Scheduled to January 31, 2011

(Due to Inclement Weather / Snow & Ice)

---February 14, 2011

---March 14, 2011

---April 11, 2011

---May 9, 2011

---June 13, 2011

---July 11, 2011

---August 8, 2011

---September 12, 2011

---October 10, 2011

*** November 14, 2011 ***

(November is Last Meeting of the year)          

*** No December Meeting ***


When and where does my NPU meet?

Agendas Page - This list of meeting times and places for each NPU also includes links to the agenda for the next meeting.  Each NPU meets on a monthly basis to consider community concerns.  Membership is open to anyone 18 years or older whose primary residence is within the NPU, as well as to any corporation, organization, institution, or agency which owns property or has a place of business within the NPU.




Website Link - Atlanta City Government NPU System: See Below Article from


NPU Representatives to APAB (Atlanta Planning Advisory Board)

The Neighborhood Planning Unit is a neighborhood-scale governmental structure used in the city of Atlanta, Georgia.

The system was established in 1974 by Atlanta's first black mayor, Maynard Holbrook Jackson. His aim was to ensure that citizens, particularly those who had been historically disenfranchised, would be in a position to comment on the structure of their communities, and to ensure that the citizens would not have this ability stripped of them by politicians who found an involved and engaged public inconvenient, Mayor Jackson had the NPU System placed within the City Charter, which can only be changed by the Georgia Legislature. That same section of the Charter also contains the Office of the Mayor as well as the Atlanta City Council.

Atlanta has had a Neighborhood Planning Unit System since 1974. There are 25 NPUs, lettered from A to Z, except U. Each NPU represents the citizens in a specified geographic area. Each NPU meets once a month to review applications for rezoning properties, varying existing zoning ordinances for certain properties, applications for liquor licenses, applications for festivals and parades, any changes to fees charged by the City, any changes to the City's Comprehensive Development Plan, and any amendments to the City's Zoning Ordinances. Once an NPU has voted on an item, that vote is then submitted to the relevant body which makes the ultimate determination with regard to that issue as the official view of the community on a topic.

NPUs operate according to a varied set of guidelines. Each NPU is permitted to create its own bylaws and the only requirement is that once a year the bylaws are voted on and every resident and business owner is permitted to vote on those bylaws. Some NPUs permit anyone to vote while other NPUs operate in a representative governmental fashion with only elected representatives voting on the issues at hand. Given the variances of demography within the City of Atlanta, the idea that a one-size fits all system of community governance would successfully reflect each community's view is unrealistic. Therefore, NPUs are permitted to operate as the citizens see fit.

Each NPU is assigned a City of Atlanta Planner who attends the monthly meetings. Planners are charged with recording official votes, responding to questions about issues of Land Use & Zoning, to present the various items that are sent by the City government for NPU review, and to assure that meetings are reasonably orderly and moderately democratic. The NPUs are staffed entirely by citizen volunteers who receive no compensation for their efforts. NPUs are not given any funding by the City for supplies or other needs.

Each NPU sends a representative to the Atlanta Planning Advisory Board, which is a city-wide entity that was created contemporaneously with the NPU System. The Board addresses issues of city-wide concern and sends its recommendations to the City Council and/or the Mayor depending on the issue being addressed. The Board makes various appointments to City Commissions and Boards on behalf of the citizens.






WHERE:                    Stewart-Lakewood Library

                                    2893 Lakewood Ave., S.W.

SPONSORS:             NPU-X and the Bureau of Planning           



Ruben Burney, Chair (404) 761-7340,

Charletta Wilson Jacks, Assistant Director (404) 330-6145

Wendy Scruggs-Murray NPU/Citizen Participation Coordinator (404) 330-6899

Garnett Brown, Planner (404) 330-6724


1)      Welcome/moment of silence & prayer

 2)      Minutes approved with corrected date: 9-0-0

 3)      No treasurer’s report: Treasurer out of town

 4)      Zone 3 APD: Police were called to remove signs on poles on Sylvan; also APD talked to residents of house with late night           parties. “Smash and grab detail” is over with. Larceny from autos is still the biggest crime problem.

 5)       Darlene Schulz of Phoenix House presented request re: 1296 Murphy Ave; she  wants a letter of support because of application  in May for City funds to install $125K security system (CDBG grant). Motion to support their grant approved: 12-0-0.

 6)      Voter education: not present.

 7)      Sewer rehab: not present.

 8)      Sexually-exploited children: not present

 9)      Lt James Coates of MARTA (South Precinct) reminds MARTA patrons to keep I-phones, I-Pads, laptops etc out of view when riding trains (especially if sitting near door). Residents reported disappointment at bus line cuts, esp. bus that went from Oakland City MARTA to Sylvan Hills; also reported problems with elevators & escalators not in working order, even at 5 Points Station. Suggestion made to keep calling MARTA about problems; another suggestion made that MARTA access problems means MARTA is not in compliance with Americans with Disabilities Act.

10)  Fire Dept: not present.

11)  Watershed Mgmt: not present.

12)  Solid Waste Services: not present.

13)  Elected officials’ reports: City Councilwoman Joyce Sheperd (District 12) announced BeltLine bus tour & follow-up meeting for July 20; also National Night Out Against Crime with movie at Perkerson Park on Tuesday, Aug 3 from 6-8 PM (also on hand will be APD, Code Compliance, Fire/Rescue & other City personnel). Ms. Sheperd reported that Pam Lee of Hammond Park represented her community at a code compliance meeting that the City held. Ms. Sheperd was asked by residents about code violations on Metropolitan near the underpass at Northside, also Harmon Bros area illegal dumping, and Beeler (apts off Cleveland Ave nearr Krystal). She was asked about NC (neighborhood commercial) zoning & reported that Dill & Sylvan and Dill & Metropolitan were already zoned NC.

14)  Kelly Jackson representing City Councilman H Lamar Willis says they’re available anytime, call 404-330-6041 or email or

15)  Claire Farley, Zone 3 Community Prosecutor announced a “mini-courtwatch training” for July 14 and also invited folks to visit website “HADENOUGHALREADY.COM” to complete community survey for burglary taskforce. Ms. Farley also reported that John Bloodworth is banned from Zone 3 for several citations including burglary & cocaine possession.

16)  Committee Reports: Public Safety met & will have email system to various APD officers & will copy Major, Deputy Chief Finley & all attendees of committee mtgs. Other committees had nothing to report.

17)  Planner’s Report: Mr. Brown not present.

18)  Paul Bolster (Santa Fe Villas): not present nor was “Beacon of Hope” present, so no votes on those issues.

19)  Licensing: Solutions Sports Bar & Grill matter: LRB vote coming up but Solutions must have NPU-X vote first. Extensive discussion of Solutions as a viable business for area ensued with pros and cons voiced. The matter is deferred until next month.

20)  Zoning: Dexter Noble appeared seeking Special Exemption to erect a 6ft high chain link fence at his property on Jefferson Ave nr Springdale. Land is cleared, area zoned R-4 but he wants high fence to keep illegal dumpers out. Perkerson Park approved matter at their association meeting. Motion to allow 6ft fence made & passed: 15-0-1 (1 abstention:Councilwoman Sheperd).

21)  M & M Salvage yard matter deferred until next month. The company is working to comply on various issues, said Chase Randall their consultant.

22)  Additional matters/announcements: Capitol View started an economic development committee & wants to create database of what businesses already exist in NPU-X with hopes of getting a business association going. Sylvan Hills resident Ms Denise Maunder suggested a business committee “arm” to formulate templates defining criteria wanted by community members for new businesses & suggested publicizing criteria on community websites. Chairman Ruben Burney suggested that NPU-X “Economic Development Committee” start meeting regularly.

23)  Motion to adjourn. Approved unanimously.





WHERE:                     Stewart-Lakewood Library

                                    2893 Lakewood Ave., S.W.


SPONSORS:             NPU-X and the Bureau of Planning           



Ruben Burney, Chair (404) 761-7340,

Charletta Wilson Jacks, Assistant Director (404) 330-6145

Wendy Scruggs-Murray NPU/Citizen Participation Coordinator (404) 330-6899

Garnett Brown, Planner (404) 330-6724



1)      Chairman’s Welcome & Moment of Silence and Prayer

2)      Minutes of last mtg approved: 6-0-0

3)      Announcements: “Live and Learn” program at YMCA @ Villages at Carver; voter registration, sample ballots & other election resources provided.  Mark Henderson (for Delicia Heard), Voter Education & Outreach of Fulton County says GA falls 48th in nation in voter turnout & most residents aren’t even registered to vote. Early voting already taking place for July 20 primary, M-F from 9-5 at locations including Sawtell. June 21 was deadline for new voter registrations. Sat Jul 10 was “Family Voting day” at all six Fulton County advance voting locations.

4)      Mr. Mark Scott: Sewer Rehabilitation Contract spokesman provided update on rehab work at Metropolitan to I-85 (rehab also is slated for I-85 to Springdale). Traffic will continue to be impacted. For info call Mr Scott @ 678-776-1035.

5)      Ms. Clara Trajos & Mr. Rex Trey from Columbia Residences presented, asking for 40 ft variance for set-back requested by their lender because of liability issues (due to proximity to MARTA station). Motion made, variance approved 15 yay, 0 nay, 2 abstains.

6)      Mr. Jere Smith, Director of Capital Improvements re: renovation to Sylvan Middle School presented update: SPLOST-3 referendum funds project; 2011 breaks ground; $14.6 million budget; Miss Tisdale (school principal) is project “gatekeeper”. Email or call 404-802-3736.

7)      Fire Dept/Mr. Todd Edwards presenting: Ongoing programs: free smoke detectors, blood pressure testing. Two new fire stations: Station 13 (East Atlanta Village) & Station 18 (East Lake). New recruit program on EMS & Fire side of dept (no new positions…just filling vacancies due to attrition). Important new regulation re: false alarms: ordinance will be enforced and fines will be $100 and up (only the first time offense results in warning aka “freebie”). Info: 404-546-4455.

8)      Ms. Judy Walker/MACC presented re: Fort McPherson re-development. 2nd big meeting was held, publicized via robo-calls & signage. They want community to be at table as Ft Mac is re-developed. Want walking trails, healthy food options, etc. Folks need to go to related zoning meetings at City Hall. “SPI” zone (“special public interest” zone) designation (other examples: Buckhead, midtown near GA Tech, Atlantic Station). “We want it to be done right, like those parts of town”. MACC focus group/committees meet twice/month (2nd & 4th Thurs); next big monthly/general meeting: last Sat of July). Info: email; phone 404-589-9285. Note: Rep Ralph Long added: folks need to contact Gov Perdue to get him to sign bill to expand voting board on Ft Mac to include more local representation.

9)      Fulton County Dept of Environmental Health/Ms. Edna Stigger, Instructor presented re: mosquito control & other areas they monitor incl. Food service licensing, solid waste, hotel/motel inspections, public pools, drinking water from wells, septic systems, rat/pest control, smoking in public areas, nuisances like smells from dog pens, trash burning, etc. Announcement: tires can be taken & disposed of for free to various Fulton County sites in July! “Shirley” is “go to” person at “Environmental Court”, call 404-730-1301. To contact Instructor Stigger, call 404-730-1318 or email

10)  APD/Major Mitchell reported that car thefts & break-ins remain biggest crime problem in Zone 3. Also reported that a “smash and grab” detail works 11 PM-7 AM shift, and vice has worked recent detail in area to deal with prostitution. APD has locked up some 60 burglars thus far this year; half are still incarcerated, half are out. Residents reported to Major the following: illegal signage on poles around Astor & Sylvan Rd; garage broken into whenever homeowner goes on vacation (4 lawnmowers stolen to date); vacant house on Erin has had 4+ cars dumped in driveway (likely stolen?); some houses in Cap View around Genessee have late night parties with MCs & loud music & up to 90 people coming/going; kids walking around Ailene & Everhart hitting parked cars with sticks.

11)  Inspector Cathy Taylor (404-230-6104) urges residents to form neighborhood watch groups & to participate in National Night Out Against Crime in August.

12)  At-large City Councilman Michael Julian Bond’s representative Ms Sheppard says “we are here to serve”. Contact them at 404-330-6770.

13)  Mr. Paul Bolster of “Urban Residential Development Corp”/Santa Fe Villas spoke re: HUD 2011 funding proposal they’re writing. They need HVAC & plumbing upgrades to their SRO “supportive housing” facility serving homeless & re-entry populations. $467K CDBG grant sought from City. They also plan community garden space for residents. Motion to support URDC’s plans: 13 yay, 1 nay, 4 abstained.

14)  ELECTED OFFICIALS’ REPORTS: GA House Dist. 61 Rep Ralph Long’s town hall scheduled for June 15 at Bowden Center, 2885 Church. Legislation Rep Long’s spearheading: HB 1512/SB 539: Fort Mac voting/board expansion bill; HB 1394: scrap tires bill; HB 1087: pentachlorophenol bill. City Councilwoman Joyce Sheperd announced grand re-opening of Emma Millican Park @ 6PM on Jul 2; an “After 5 Summer Youth Program” and Boys & Gils Club programs open for registration for residents of NPUs Y & X (info: 404-330-6053); July 17 tour of BeltLine; July 20 meeting about BeltLine at B-Complex; and plans to have youth paint murals on walls in neighborhoods. She also reported that fines for commercial code violators are increasing & code violation policy & procedures are being re-vamped. She announced the parking ticket moratorium was lifted.

15)  COMMITTEE REPORTS: Lakewood Oversight Committee: Carol Coney reported there will be no gospel concert event this fall at amphitheatre due to lack of community response to direct mail. Public Safety Committee met & approved Old South Package Store’s change of ownership application.

16)  LICENSE REVIEW BOARD (LRB): Chang Wan Kim applying for change of ownership @ Old South Parkage Store, 365 Cleveland Ave; motion to approve change of ownership passed: 10-0-2. Terra Firma Infinity Ent. seeks change of ownership of NY Farmers Market; completing renovations, new refrigeration system & outdoor lighting improvements; will re-open July 15 with hours Mon-Sat 8:30AM-9:00PM (closed Sundays). New service: they’ll pick up/drop off customers within 15 mi radius (spread word to seniors especially). They announced they are accepting applications for jobs at their market. Motion to approve change of ownership passed by consensus: 14-0-0.

17)  ZONING REVIEW BOARD (ZRB): M & M continues to defer because they have to correct certain matters before the state of Georgia. Motion to defer M & M vote passed: 8-0-1.

18)  New Business: None.

19)  Motion to adjourn: Passed by unanimous consent.


(Minutes recorded by NPU-X Secretary Carol Coney)




WHERE:                    Stewart-Lakewood Library

                                    2893 Lakewood Ave., S.W.

SPONSORS:             NPU-X and the Bureau of Planning           



Ruben Burney, Chair (404) 761-7340,

Charletta Wilson Jacks, Assistant Director (404) 330-6145

Wendy Scruggs-Murray NPU/Citizen Participation Coordinator (404) 330-6899

Garnett Brown, Planner (404) 330-6724


  1. Invocation/Opening Remarks: After silent moment, Chairman Burney mentioned a full agenda and need to move along.
  2. Announcement: Upcoming May 12 meeting of Council on Aging to focus on food stamp program (announced via Director, Diane Williamson).
  3. Minutes: April 12, 2010 minutes approved by consensus.
  1. Treasurer’s Report: $430.02 current balance in bank account.
  1. Lakewood Fairgrounds Re-Development: Developer John Lavelle presented a proposal that part of the Lakewood property be leased to SCREEN GEMS, a motion picture production company with a long & good reputation. 30 acres of abandoned historic warehouse type buildings would be leased to the movie company for $250K/month payable to the City of Atlanta. 50 year lease would be re-evaluated every 10 years for proper market price adjustment. Mr. Lavelle states this would be a great economic opportunity for the area, generating up to 1000 jobs as well as ancillary businesses. A $3million plus investment in next 2-3 years is anticipated. Carol Coney asked about any negative impacts to nearby households such as noise or lighting nuisance; Mr Lavelle promised that the developer & Screen Gems will adhere to all permits & City regulations. The Urban Design Commission will review project plans. When permits are issued upon City Council approval, City will review water flow issues, drainage, etc. State tax credits are providing the impetus for this development plan and its timing.
  1. Rawsoul Entertainment/House in the Park: Ramon Guyton, who has produced the successful House in the Park events in Perkerson Park for the past several years, presented a new plan to acquire Class E permit because event has grown so much. Next event scheduled for Sunday, Sept 5 from 12-8 PM. They will have clean-up crew onsite at 7AM the following morning (Monday 9/6). Up to 8 off-duty APD will be hired to provide security. All vendors will be licensed. Resident on Ailene Ave expressed concern about: parking & cars driving, then parking in two directions on narrow street. Councilwoman Joyce Sheperd said she will work with Rawsoul to prepare & implement a traffic & parking plan. Motion then made to send an email of support to City Council for Rawsoul’s class E permit request. Discussion then ensued re: whether community association (in this case, Capitol View) should be allowed to vote on this matter first, before NPU-X vote. Chairman Burney replied that by-laws state that presentations to community association  are a courtesy & not required by law and that the City requires an NPU vote & approval only. Motion carried by vote of 11 yay, 0 nays, and 5 abstained.
  2. Healing Waters Christian Academy: Rachel & Malcolm Sells, co-directors, presented a performance of some of their students who recited from the Bible and from their basic education curriculum, including math, spelling and English. Healing Waters Christian Academy is located in the former location of Childrens’ Choice, at 2315 Perkerson Rd.
  1. Public Safety/Old Business: A representative of “Pleasers” entertainment was on hand to request support for their application for a change of business agent. Public Safety Committee of NPU X had already voted to approve change of agent. Motion to support change of agent made & voted upon by full body of NPU X: 7 yay, 0 nay, and 6 abstained. After vote, Pleasers rep said: “We’ll be there for you whenever you need us.”
  1. Public Safety/NPU X committee – Working with Sullivan Center (as fiscal sponsor) to get grant for public safety committee project. Motion to have NPU X write letter of support for Sullivan Center grant: 13 yay, 0 nay, 1 abstain.
  1. Zone 3 APD: Car theft & break-ins most frequent type of crime in area. Also there are speeding issues & some reports of drug use in the park. Residents reported to APD reps that trucks from Kraft are fast & sometimes take down electrical wires, and also that garbage trucks fly down Everhart to the Park (Yard Waste truck).
  1. Atlanta Fire Department: Reported fire that afternoon on Sells at Lowery in a vacant/under-development property near Morehouse; arson suspected. Station 20 has been renovated. Firefighter pensions are under attack.
  1. Watershed Management: Santana Kempson reported an upcoming water/sewer rate hike. City of Atlanta is requesting a 15 yr extension on deadline for second consent decree, from 2014 to 2029. Revenue declines due to conservation measures requires hike in water/sewer rates. Past President of Capitol View Kim Garcia commented that contractors did a terrible job of installing sewer upgrades & that manhole covers are being stolen & then recycled by some actual installers. Sylvan Hills V.P. Monica McAfee reports that she also has been calling Watershed Management about missing manhole covers.
  1. Elected Officials: Fulton County Commissioner/Chairman John Eaves appeared to make progress report on Fulton County initiatives. Local library is designated for re-building & they are reviewing proposals for project manager. 2011 they will break ground, with completion projected for late 2011/early 2012 on 25,000 sq ft library building to replace Stewart-Lakewood Library. Mr Eaves reports that transportation is being addressed, with rapid rail & bus service desired for the future. GA assembly has passed funding mechanism to address current regional transit needs. There will be a 2012 referendum on a “T-Splost” that would entail a 1 cent tax to fund transportation. Detention center news: County still in negotiation to acquire City jail on Rice St. Grady Hospital update: new governance structure has resulted in $300 million saved, and now hospital is profitable. Contact County Commissioner John Eaves and Community Liaison Alice Johnson at 404-612-8206 or email
  1. Representative Ralph Long, GA House District 61: Session that just ended is longest ever in Georgia. Worked with Senator Fort to protect funding for Atlanta Technical and Metro Colleges and got HVAC improvements to campus buildings. Rep Long reports that Lakewood/Ft McPherson board representation is changing & would now give board votes to Rep Long, Senator Fort, Councilwoman Joyce Sheperd and also to a community member. This would provide actual voting instead of “ex officio” representation on board. Rep. Long will host a June 16 townhall meeting at the Bowden Multi-Purpose Senior Facility. Contact info: cellphone # 770-616-2130 or email:
  1. Councilwoman Joyce Sheperd: Thanked volunteers for Earth Day participation; 4,000 tires were picked up in rainy conditions. Volunteer Lisa Yeiser reported lack of follow-through & that trash was left behind/not picked up by City trucks. Last year recycling in blue bags was not picked up by recycling trucks either, thus improvements in Earth Day program are needed. Ms Sheperd also reported that Nally Chevrolet has contract for 2 years on a flea market opening soon at that site. Owner has proper business license for zone he is operating in, but feeling in community is that we do not need another flea market, and the plan has been to utilize Metropolitan TAD to re-develop area in a way more responsive to community needs. Ms Sheperd proposed meeting with flea market folks to discuss options. Chairman Burney commented that a flea market is not welcomed as a gateway to Perkerson community. Discussion then ensued re: M & M’s request for a special use permit, since it isn’t clear if NPU S or NPU X is the locale of that site. Ms Sheperd reports there are “turf wars” between NPUs S & X for BeltLine territory. Site in question is in Oakland City but right on borderline of two NPUs. Kim Garcia requests map of District 12 and adjacent NPUs and also suggested, for the record, that for M & M to get the special use permit approved by NPU X, an “industrial storm-water discharge permit” is required first. Motion cannot be entertained until jurisdiction matter is determined, and NPU S meets third Thursday of each month. Ms Garcia requests that M & M not be permitted to go before Zoning Review Board until jurisdiction is determined. Current Capitol View President Darin Boehm said another issue to be determined is whether special use permit is being sought for a “private impound lot” versus a “salvage yard”. Matter is tabled until next NPU X meeting.
  1. Adjournment: Motion to adjourn passed by consensus.




WHERE:                    Stewart-Lakewood Library

                                    2893 Lakewood Ave., S.W.

SPONSORS:             NPU-X and the Bureau of Planning           



Ruben Burney, Chair (404) 761-7340,

Charletta Wilson Jacks, Assistant Director (404) 330-6145

Wendy Scruggs-Murray NPU/Citizen Participation Coordinator (404) 330-6899

Garnett Brown, Planner (404) 330-6724


Opening Remarks –Minutes are emailed by Ruben using the NPU-X google address. Please notify him if you are not getting emails.

Minutes-A motion was made to accepted the minutes. 13 individuals voted to approve the minutes.

Nactional Association of Counties (NACo) Prescription drug discount card.Prescription information was presented for individuals to get reduced rates on prescriptions.  The information is available at the Health Center and the library.  Naco.avan.cerx for participating pharmacies.  404 730 1202

Eco Plant Sale –Plant sale at the Sullivan Center @ 643 Dill Avenue April 17th.  They will have plants, vegetables, herbs and flowers.

The 33rd Annual Urban Commission Awards of Excellence Competition 2010 flyer.

Rain barrel workshop. April 21, 2010 from 10-noon.  $40 donation to care and conserve

Summer Camp Application for youth 5-12. May 21st to August 9th. For information call 1-866 371 8222

Annual District 12 Tire Round Up and Community Clean Up April 24th  8:00 a.m. to 4:00 drop off tires and volunteer cookout 1:00 p.m. until 3:00 p.m.

Nancy Boxill Fulton County Board of Commissioners District 6 is not running for election 2010

Treasurer’s Report March Balance was $362.02 and $20 was donated at the March 8 meeting.  Another $20 was donated at the Spring Forward Festival for the NPU-X.  With the addition of the $40 to the treasury.  We are currently at $402.02

CBG application for on behalf of the Public Safety committee - Chase Randall

 The application is due May 17th.  The public safety committee is not a 401 C. The best option is to pair up with the Sullivan Center who is a 401 C.  They could pursue becoming a 401C but it is a lengthy process that could take eight months.

-address illegal dumping list of dump sights and a hotline for dumping; create a agreement with the companies to clean up the dumping

-hire an environmental lawyer to pursue some of the individuals dumping. They are requesting twenty thousand to pursue the two initiatives.

Ralph Long put forth a motion to support the two incentives from the public safety committee and create a CBG application in coordination with the Sullivan Center.  The NPU-X obligations would be to carry out the projects as specified in the grant.  Eco Options is another 401C that we could pair up with in the future but we won’t be eligible for the May 17th deadline if we pursued Eco Options.

The motion was passed with 17 votes and 3 abstentions.

Deputy Chief  Finely –It is a spring fest weekend. Traffic may be a issue this weekend. A Fourth Ward reunion will be occurring in Perkerson Park. Ralph Long brought up the issue of dumping on Bealer Street.  Council Member Joyce Sheperd is arranging for the tires to be cleaned up on April 24th.  The issue was brought up with Major Mitchell at the Hammond Park Meeting.  Motor bikes in the park are an ongoing issue again. The bikes are ripping up the grass. The Garage is operating again and advertising on Twitter. Large trucks (16 wheelers) are cutting through the residential streets again. Put a request in for a traffic detail to deal with the situation.  A resident of Regent Street is concerned about an active drug house.

Claire Farely – Fulton County District Attorney’s Community Prosection Program Citizens’ CourtWatch training program is occurring on April 24th  at the Justice Center Tower.

Marta-Crime Statistics are down.  There was a auto theft in the East Parking Lot of the Fort McPherson.  They are trying to cut down on snatch thefts and soliciting on the trains.

Atlanta Fire Barry Dotson- represent Joel Baker (404) 546 7100   With the  Fire Station 20 firefighters.

ASAP program  – Atlanta smoke detector program (404) 546 7000  or (404) 546 – ASAP

Safe Spots- Safe places off the streets.  The id- ea is to give a victims  a safe place to go.  These spots are the fire stations. They are going to provide resources to these victims.  They are partnering with several

ACERT program-Emergency Preparedness  404 227 739

The fire department will be taking applications for the Citizens Fire Fighters Academy in the near future.

Yolanda Johnson Atlanta School Board Representative

She addressed the erasure allegations and they are pursuing that the test procedures will be followed.  There will be a comprehensive report about what happened with the erasures.

Ms. Johnson  chairs the budget commission.  APS is not forecasting that they will have to take any of the drastic measures that other school districts are taking.  They will probably to have to take two furlough days for the upcoming years.  The substitute teacher rate has been cut.  They are not anticipating lay offs or closing of schools.

Sylvan Middle School is going to be renovated. Council Member Sheperd requested that the students directly across the street should be allowed to go to Sylvan Middle instead of to Parks Middle School. The Capital View students are bused to a school out of their community instead of attending the neighborhood school.

Tammy Shepherd-representing Councilmen Bond 404 330 6770


Will Cellars on behalf of H.  Lamar Willis 404 330 6041 examining the option of selling the jail, a sale/lease back, or outsourcing the jail.  The mayor is opposed to outsourcing the jail because the jail staff would be paid less. Long term indications are looking better and hopefully revenue will follow.  The new parking agreement with Park Management is helping the city to collect more revenue.


Ralph Long District 61 (770) 616-2130

-budget woes during this session

legislation    -Fort McPherson Implementation Authority Board to include a NPU-X representative

      -Junk  tires being dumped H.B. 1394

It was suggested that property registration procedures are legislated on a state level by Representative Long.

Atlanta District 12 Joyce M. Sheperd

-supporting H.B. 1394, there is supposed to be $3 per tire that is donated to take care of tires. Tires

Earth Day April 24th- cleaning up tires, there is a slew of tire across the city

The tire clean up money is from Joyce’s budget ($5,000-$6000 for the clean up)

April 20th Town Hall Meeting-District 12 Update at Victory Outreach 2175 Metropolitan Parkway

Fort McPherson Zoning and Land Use Blueprint- two meetings at  Atlanta Technical College, 1560 Metropolitan Parkway, S.W. 6:30-8:30

Rolling out the Metropolitan Parkway TAD from the Atlanta Technical College to Hapeville

May 15th Public Safety Forum 9:30-12:00 Atlanta Technical College

May 1st Brown’s Mill Path Grand Opening 10-12:00 at the Brown’s Mill Golf Course

Emma Milligan Park should be finished by Memorial day.  The park has benefited in $850,000 in grants

Crime Stoppers- if you see people dumping illegal tires you can call and possibly receive award

Joyce chairs the department that deals with Code Enforcement.  The mayor’s office is assessing the Code Enforcement Department and developing a plan how to address the ongoing issues.

Beltline issue is more than developing

Public Safety  Rice Memorial Church @ 1515 Brewer Blvd  It meets in two weeks; April 26.

License Review Board

Pleasers Nightclub  849 Cleveland Avenue   Change of Agent  The parking lot is in East Point but the club is in Atlanta.  The ownership would be transferred from the the father (who is deceased) to the daughter.  There are 88 employees. There are no VIP or champagne rooms.  It is a family owned business.  Residents expressed concerned about Pleasers not being involved in the community and requested in the future that the owners of Pleasers are involved in the community. The recommendation was made that Pleasers meet with Public Safety first.  Pleasers would come back for another NPU vote.  12 members voted for the motion.  Joyce Shepard, Ralph Long and Vice Chair abstained.

Phoenix House Darlene Shultz Project Interconnections  69 supportive housing development, applying for low income tax credits, have the same staffing plan and number of residents but they would be redeveloping the property and making it more attractive.  They put in an application for the Beltline affordable housing credit.  All tenants are mentally ill and would be homeless if not living at the Phoenix House.  The first phase was built in 1990. They are located 1296 Murphy Avenue by the B Complex. They meet with Capital View Neighborhood Association and they voted overwhelmingly to support the Phoenix House. Services offered are helping them with grocery shopping, counseling and medication management.  They are planning on tearing down the buildings and rebuilding on the original footprint.

15 in favor of supporting the Phoenix House and no opposition.

Text Amendment  0-0-0408 

The NPU voted to approve the text amendment with 11 in favor.  No one was opposed.




WHERE:                   Stewart-Lakewood Library

                                    2893 Lakewood Ave., S.W.

SPONSORS:             NPU-X and the Bureau of Planning


Ruben Burney, Chair (404) 761-7340,

Charletta Wilson Jacks, Assistant Director (404) 330-6145

Wendy Scruggs-Murray NPU/Citizen Participation Coordinator (404) 330-6899

Garnett Brown, Planner (404) 330-6724


1.      Opening Remarks/Invocation

2.      Minutes: Previous meeting minutes were recorded by NPU-X Secretary Carol Coney, emailed, and hard copies are available. Motion to approve January minutes approved by consensus.

3.      Chair’s Report: Welcome to all, full agenda so moving it forward.

4.      Treasurer’s Report: $86.94 recommended payable to Dianne Bryant for printer cartridge purchase, moved by Sig, seconded by Pam, motion carried. There is $506.96 in NPU-X bank account.

5.      Presentation: ANDP (Atlanta Neighborhood Development Partnership, Inc). Tayani Suma, Director of Housing Development, contact 404-522-2637. Ms. Suma reported that Sylvan Circle Apartments, which is owned/operated by ANDP, is being vacated and set for demolition once funding is secured for demolition. The property has been losing money & has past struggles with drug abusers, crime and prostitution.  The site has 33 acres with 296 apt units in several brick buildings which are old and not suitable for renovation. After demolition, ANDP hopes to develop new construction of a multi-family complex comprised of 1, 2 and 3 BR apartments that would be more suitable for families. Rep. Ralph Long expressed concern that the property not be boarded up and abandoned long-term, in order to prevent vandalism and other crime.

Presentation: Former Councilwoman Gloria Tinubu, who has worked on ACE Development, Colony Creek Apts & foreclosure counseling, now has a new project. “It’s Biz” is a business development cooperative designed to serve formerly incarcerated individuals and others. FACA (Fulton Atlanta Community Action)-providing business development training if income eligible ($21,140 + per household of 1-4 persons). NPU-X, Y & Z are being approached first due to limited space available for participants in programs.

 6.      Public Services

  • Zone 3 Police Department – Major Mitchell and Sgt. Hester was present. Contact info:, phone 404-273-8178.  Officers are patrolling Byron Dr & other hotspots. Former Councilman Dozier Smith on Brewer reported $10,000 in damage to an investment home from copper theft & vandalism. Councilwoman Sheperd said state laws must be changed re: code enforcement and recycling, and bills have been proposed but not passed to help thwart the illegal copper market. Rep. Long reported that lobbyists are being paid to work against community interests in regard to copper theft. Police do investigate & take reports on all burglaries, including copper theft.
  • MARTA – Lt. Sharon Williams of South Precinct had no incidents to report at Oakland City or Lakewood stations. Her contact info: or phone 404-787-7336.
  • Atlanta Fire Department – 4th Battalion Chief James Peele: New initiative: “SAFE SPOTS” will offer sanctuary to victims of abuse or sexual assault, providing firehouses as safe havens in emergencies. Other programs: “ACERT”/Atlanta Citizens Emergency Response Teams offers classes to train emergency response volunteers to help within 48 hours of emergencies like natural disasters. For info on classes, contact Chief Bernard Cozton at 404-227-7396; website:

Atlanta Citizens’ Fire Academy contact is Capt Wade Chamblee, 404-546-7060. Atlanta Fire Foundation funnels donations to specific firehouses (Stations 15 & 17 were renovated with such funding), and needs are great with projected deficits lasting until 2014. To donate or for information contact 404-886-0284 or visit : FIRE CHIEF CONTACT INFO: Interim Chief Baker 404-546-7130 or to schedule a meeting contact Shylika Glickman 404-546-7269.

  • Watershed Management – Santana Kempson 678-616-6085 reported that sewer rehabilitation is continuing. She reported there is a $4.50 fee for paying water bills online. She asked members to prevent leaky toilets by employing this trick: drop food coloring in toilet tanks to see if water in bowl is colored ½ hr later. More information is available at and click on “Fix a Leak” on bottom right side of webpage.
  • City of Atlanta Parking: Ms Angela Bowens Irving,  parking program manager started her job on Dec 13th. Park Atlanta is contracted to handle parking duties & enforcement. Re: “booting”- grace period was from Nov-Jan but booting is now in full swing (if you have 3 citations you can be booted). Website: lists citations. She recommended that people pay all fines within 24 hrs. If car is booted or towed a person must pay a $50 booting fee & towing fee. $5.5 million per year of collected revenue is guaranteed to the City; Park Atlanta gets the rest & is contracted for 7 years.
  • Fulton County Sheriff Jackson, Sgt. McGee and Sgt. Davis presented detailed reports/updates:

Community Outreach Section: Works with seniors, youth, business and community. “GREAT”: “Gang Resistance Education and Training”, they have partnered with Borders Books to give 245 books to at risk youth. Teaches 4th-7th graders about gangs, bullying, conflict resolution, & gives tee-shirts & certificate of completion at end. Dozier Smith asked “what does Fulton County Sheriff’s officers do?”  The answer was: “no patrolling, but if there are  overflow calls to 911, then the Sheriff’s office will respond; when out & about they must respond to crimes observed in progress.” The Fulton County Sheriff’s Dept employs 1500. Fulton County is working to acquire Atlanta City Jail.  The  Mayor & Commissioners are negotiating. The budget shortfall is causing drug offender programs to close.  Call Commissioners to urge full funding. Superior Court was hit hard with 35 workers laid off last week.  They had to pull officers off an entrance that is now closed. Contact info: Sgt. McGee: 404-612-6624; Sgt. Davis: 404-612-3113.

 7.      Elected Officials’ Report

  • Rep Ralph Long: Posts on Facebook about legislation up for votes from State House. Cell # 770-616-2130, Blackberry 3119EC27. Launching new website:
  • Terry Shepherd attended, representing Councilman Michael Julian Bond (newly elected to Post 1 at Large). Mr. Bond wants to be in touch. Contact: 404-330-6770; email
  • Councilwoman Joyce Sheperd: The  Ft McPherson Advisory Committee is meeting next Tuesday at the Gilbert House.  Community input is needed. No control over who sits on Fort Mac Redevelopment board of directors & they’re in process of re-zoning Fort Mac; reps from adjacent NPUs are needed on the committee & on new non-profit “MAC”. In-depth public safety forums will be held beginning in March & will have break-out sessions. 

 8.      Committee Reports

  • Lakewood Oversight Committee: Meets tomorrow night.
  • Finance Committee: Jackie Crenshaw must resign due to health issue. Mr. Thomas volunteered to step in and was voted in. The Finance Committee meets in Jan, April, July & October to give grants to NPUs X, Y & Z from Lakewood Amphitheatre owner/operators. Chairman Burney asked for a motion to send flowers to Miss Crenshaw from NPU-X via local business “Floral Matters” & take money from treasury.  The motion carried unanimously.
  • Land Use Committee: Last meeting voted to approve a variance for a Habitat for Humanity house in Hammond Park.

 9.      Announcements: Sig announced that Trees Atlanta will plant trees in Sylvan Hills Feb 20. Free trees planted by volunteers. Also announced: Spring Forward Festival will take place at Perkerson Park on March 27 from 10 AM-7PM. City of Atlanta & Park Pride sponsored event to raise funds for the park, with live bands, info tables, tree & seed sales, pie contests, face painting & entertainment. Rep. Long moved that $50 of NPU-X funds go to help fund festival; motion approved unanimously.

 10.  Adjournment: Motion to adjourn approved by consensus.


Posted by perkerson on 06/18/2010
Last updated on 03/27/2011
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