Roofs & Gutters - Awaiting funding (will need new bids)
Master landscaping plan - met with designer 1/25/06, need to plot and get approval, need funding
Landscaping - pruning, etc. - ordered, started
Flooding - New grates, retainer walls (awaiting bids & funding)
Water easement to the south(city of Phoenix ordered survey completed, they will purchase easement to south, awaiting funding)
Detached property parcel to the south (awaiting legal opinion)
Paint 17031 West & 17032 East (awaiting funding)
Compile homeowners email list
Pool Deck repaired(awaiting funding)
Stop trailer court from attaching to our wall
Implement preventative maintenance schedules (awaiting funding)
Broken Sidewalks need repairing (awaiting funding)
Insurance Compliance - Installing tile depth markers on pool deck (tabled until pool deck is repaired/replaced)
Replace sprinkler systems (awaiting funding)
Bury water pipe north of 17227 (awaiting bids & funding)
Insurance Compliance Project -
increasing height of pool fence to 6