Buy a bigger house, That is funny!
You know most homes in RoseView are 3 bedroom 2 Bath with 2 car garage.
If you think about it now a days both adults work, so there is 2 cars, maybe they have a kid what happens when the kid is of driving age now there are 3 cars.
It does not make sense to me that they want to press an issue like parking in the street, just like the other port a person stayed the night after a party, probably saved a life if there was drinking involved.
Roseview is a terrible place to live, the HOA is just making the neighbors tell over each other, how unproductive and uninviting of a place to live. We do plan on moving from Roseview when the housing market recovers in a few years. So the moral of the No Parking is only have 2 cars, Guest are unwelcome and turn in your neighbors (See the HOA meeting minutes).
Roseview HOA Unfriendly, Un-neighborly, Un-inviting Do Not Move into Roseview HOA is you will be sorry.