In November 2002, the Pinewood Manor Subdivision Committee solicited input on how to improve the quality of life in our neighborhood by issuing a 15 question survey to all neighbors. The purpose of the survey was to determine the future focus and direction of a revitalized Neighborhood Association.
Roughly 16% of the homes responded and were represented by this survey. A vast majority of those surveyed (71%) felt Pinewood Manor Subdivision (PMS) has not changed in the past two years and is a good place to live. Our neighbors enjoy the shopping and restaurants nearby and feel that we are helpful to one another and that the city is doing a good job at garbage collection.
All of the respondents of the survey own their homes and most have lived in PMS for over 10 years. The majority surveyed are over 55 years old. More than 75% said that they do not plan to move in the next 5 years.
Some of the problems mentioned were:
Inactive subdivision association
Appearance of subdivision entrances
Need traffic light at Ventura
Kids playing on property and in street
Trashcans not being removed within 24 hours
Sidewalks on 13 mile have not been repaired
Home/Yard Maintenance
Loud music and Noise
Parking on Street
Activities to pursue:
Neighborhood Beautification project
Snow removal
Neighborhood Watch Program