At the PMHA meeting on February 13, 2003 at Vandenberg Elementary School it was decided that our neighborhood dues would remain $15.00 per household. Please send the payment of your dues to Charlene Betts, Treasurer. In addition, elections for Officers, Board of Directors and Block Captains were conducted.
Introducing the 2003 Pinewood Manor Homeowners Association Executive Board :
Tyrone Sanders, President
17320 Madison
Demetria Taylor, Vice Pres.
17501 Revere
Sue Cahn, Secretary
30640 Woodstock
Charlene Betts, Treasurer
30580 Woodstock
Board of Directors
Barbara Riley 248-258-8755
Charles Buck 248-594-9842
Curtis Parks 248-594-1552
Cynthia Eleweke 248-790-0388
Danny Leonard 248-594-4825
David Taylor 248-593-5190
James Smith 248-723-9758
Kimberly Brown 248-594-3233