Effective 8 a.m. Monday, May 5, the phone numbers to contact the following city departments will change to the following. The 248 area code remains the same. The number to report an emergency will stay at 911.
City Hall (general information) 796-5000
Police (non-emergency) 796-5500
Fire (non-emergency) 796-5650
Public Works 796-4800
Parks and Recreation 796-4600
Library 796-4200
Adult Recreation Center 796-4650
Animal Control 796-5410
Assessing 796-5230
Beech Woods Center 796-4670
Building Department 96-4100
Business Development 796-4160
City Cable 15 796-4500
City Clerk 796-5150
Civic Center Arena 796-4640
Code Enforcement 796-4140
Community Relations 796-5130
46th District Court 796-5800
Engineering 796-4810
Garbage pick-up 796-4860
Golf Information 796-4653
Evergreen Hills Course 796-4655
Beech Woods Course 796-4666
Housing Department 796-4170
Human Resources 796-4700
Human Services 796-4540
City Attorney 796-5770
Mayor 796-5100
Neighborhood Information 796-5140
Planning Department 796-4150
Streets and Highways 796-4860
City Treasurer 796-5200
Water and Sewer 796-4850