Pinon Creek

little brown and white dog

Posted in: Pinon Creek
  • Stock
  • pinon
  • Valued Neighbor
  • USA
  • 1 Post
  • Respect-O-Meter: Valued Neighbor

Does any one know who the small brown and white dog with a curled up tail belongs to? He keeps pooping in my yard and has killed two plants thus far by peeing on them. I can't even replace them until he stops.  Yes, my husband and I have seen him doing it numerous times.  This morning I was working at one end of the flower bed and he came and peed in his usal spot while I was there then bit my pants leg when I approached to see if I could get his info from his tags. I'm going with the assumption he's a bit of a Houdini ; ) and not running loose on purpose but I would like this to stop so I need to let his owner know.

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