In order to purchase your house you probably had to borrow money from lending institution (bank, mortgage company, etc). When you signed the load documents you agreed that in the event you cannot make your...
This FAQ will answer your questions about the FHA Streamline Refinance program which was created by the FHA to make it quick and easy to refinance your existing FHA loan.
What is the FHA Streamline Refinance...
Many are shocked when they learn how much they owe to close on their mortgage. But there are ways to save before you sign on the dotted line.
Closing costs seem to be a necessary evil when securing a new, or...
If your home value is dropping but your property taxes are not, you can appeal the assessed value of your home which may help lower your taxes.
Property values are down, so why doesn’t your property tax ...
A home, whether suburban house, urban condo, or rural ranch, is the largest purchase most Americans will ever make. Now that the country is starting to recover from the booming and busting of the housing...
FHA loans are the easiest type of real estate mortgage loan to qualify for. The FHA guidelines for loan qualification are the most flexible of all mortgage loans and require less than 5% down payment.
More and more homeowners and buyers are looking for homes that have eco-friendly features. Flooring for your home now comes in many options that are both beautiful and environmentally responsible.