I'll take a crack at it.
#1 I agree. Transparency IS the best antidote to corruption, and don't believe the Party thinks otherwise.
#2 I doubt very seriously that anything discussed in the '80s had much in common with what Obama has in mind for us now.
#3 Bush & CO. failed because their plan included amnesty, just a Obama's plan does/will. That's the poison pill. Give illegals a grace period of 6 to 9 months to get documented as guest workers. As guest workers, they are not entitled to any social welfare services including education, and ofcourse can't vote. Repeal the 14th amendment. Post grace period, anyone found in the U.S. sans ducumentation to be deported. And, naturally, seal the border, even if it takes an electric fence (solar/wind powered).
#4 This is false. The republicans are FOR extending unemployment as long as it's paid for using unspent "stimulus" money. The dems want to add it to the deficit.
#5 Not sure on this. One thing's certain. Whatever this commision comes up with will have to tackle "entitlements" head on.
#6 Wrong. Yes, conservatives believe in self-reliance. The individual should provide for their own healthcare, not the Gvnmt. Gvnmt shoud provide assistance for the destitute. True conservatives have never believed in an unconstitutional, big gvnmt take over of private industry of any kind.
#7 That's because no one in their right mind believes for one nanosecond that these medicare cuts will ever take place. Kind of like those spending cuts that congress promised Reagan never happened.