Prairie East Fifth Association
Board Meeting Minutes
July 19, 2012
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by President, Cory Miller
Board Members Present:
Cory Miller, Tim Nelson, Amy Dresch and Carol Wach. Also present Lori Waltzer, Property Manager
Secretary’s Report: Next meeting date should be changed to July 19th. Change will be made to the secretary’s report. Motion to accept May minutes with the change by Amy Dresch and second by Tim Nelson. Motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report: Motion to accept treasurer’s report by Amy Dresch, second by Tim Nelson. Motion passed.
Management Report:
When the contract is finalized, a start date needs to be decided upon and all homeowners are to be notified. Homeowners will be notified when their particular house will be worked on and to let them know they should remove items hanging on their walls to keep them from falling. Lori will also address with the roofers a need to a Portable restroom for the workers.
Citations to be issued:
Meeting adjourned at 6:55 pm. Motion to adjourn by Tim Nelson and second by Carol Wach. Submitted by Lori Waltzer
Next meeting, Thursday, August 16. 6:00 pm at the Eden Prairie Library, Small Conference Room.