Please complete and return with your check to Bob Peterman, 6027 Clear Bay, Dallas 75248 (or Officer or Block Captain)
Name(s): ______________________________________________________________________ Date: ______________________
Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Home Phone(s): ___________________________________ Work Phone(s): __________________________________________
Other (Email, Mobile, Fax, etc.): _________________________________________________ Resident: ____ or Renter: ____
2002 Dues of $50: Enclosed is a check for $____________ ($25 semiannually; $12.50 quarterly)
Karen French, Pres. (Keller Springs Block Capt.)(972)818-0104
Marilyn Wofford, Co-Vice President Blue Bay Block Capt.)(972) 931-0047
Pat Moran, Co-Vice President (Blue Mist East Block Capt)(972) 447-0437
Bob Peterman, Treasurer(972) 380-5951
Janet McGovern, Secretary(972) 250-2704
Beth Jones (Clear Bay West Block Capt)972) 931-9404
Carol (Jenks) Harris (Clear Bay East Block Capt)(972) 931-2302
Dave Humphreys (Blue Mist West Block Capt.)(972) 713-0874
Jana and Reid Klosowsky (Costera Lane Block Capt.)972) 447-0089