Project Prosperity and Faith, Inc (PPF, Inc)

Programs and Services:

Ater-School/Mentoring/Tutoring Programs -Includes Pre-GED Tutors

Project Prosperity and Faith, Inc (PPF, Inc) has been licensed and approved by the Ohio Department of Education to provide Supplemental Educational Services (SES) in the State of Ohio.

We accept applications and enroll students that attend Title I Schools and qualify for SES Services. PPF, Inc will also accept and enroll students that do not qualify for SES Services. Students receive hot meals and snacks.

PPF, Inc's After-School Programs are academic based. However, additional programs and services are available to students/participants. We have sites located in various areas throughout the state of Ohio.

We provide curricula for tutoring services in the following areas:


















Additional Programs and Services available that are NON-SES related:

After-School Meal Program

Mentoring Programs

Life Skills and Character Education

Financial Literacy Education, Personal Money Management

Physical Fitness/Health & Nutrition Education and Activities

Pre-K Curriculum (Ages 3-5)

Online School

Civics, Gov/Law, History

Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention/Education

Adult Basic Education (Pre-GED) - Tutoring Available for young adults and adults pursuing a GED

PPF, Inc provides four mentoring programs:

-The Youth Center for Entrepreneurship (YCFE)

PPF, Inc. has established The Youth Center for Entrepreneurship (YCFE), for the purpose of providing youth with financial literacy education and hands on experiences to discover that success in entrepreneurship requires not only knowledge, but practice and skill in the process of doing. The participants will also learn personal money management skills. This program teaches the importance of dedication, working hard, and being self-sufficient.

-Guidance, Education & Leadership (GEL)

Guidance, Education & Leadership, is a mentoring program established by Project Prosperity and Faith, Inc. (PPF, Inc) to link inter-city youth with adult mentors. Our goal is to achieve sustainable development of our youth. Rather than searching for any "one right answer" to address the needs of youth mentoring programs…individuals, communities, organizations and community leaders need to understand that youth need the necessary skills to navigate complex issues around achieving integrated environmental, societal, and economic goals needed to be a fully functional and successful adult…often referred to as sustainable development.

-Intergenerational Concepts Embracing the Future(ICEF)- “Youth Embracing Seniors…Seniors Embracing Youth”

Project Prosperity and Faith, Inc. has founded ICEF, an intergenerational volunteer and mentoring program that matches senior citizen retirees with schoolchildren and youth who need extra attention and will benefit from forging a strong relationship with an older adult. We also plan to match young adults with seniors that reside in nursing homes that may not be as mobile as other seniors. In addition, we will also match the same young adults with individuals that may have disabilities, but interested in volunteering their time to help youth.

-After-School Programs

PPF, Inc is licensed and approved by the Ohio Department of Education to provide Supplemental Educational Services (SES) After-School Programs in the State of Ohio. Our After-School programs are academic based, while also offering Life Skills/Character Education, Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention/Education, Public Health Education & Health Screenings, Financial Literacy Education, Personal Physical Fitness & Nutrition, and other curricula that teach leadership skills.

We are an Affiliate and Partnering Agency of The Mentoring Center of Central Ohio

All Volunteers for PPF, Inc are required to attend one 2 1/2 hour mentoring training and to submitt to a background check, which is conducted during the Mentoring training. Although only one Mentoring training is required, Mentors and Volunteers can also attend two additional traings to become a Certified Mentor.

All Mentoring trainings are free for those individuals that are Volunteers. The trainings are conducted at The Mentoring Center of Central Ohio, 195 N. Grant Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215 (Spring & Grant W. of Columbus State).

All individuals that are interested in Volunteering must first contact Rodney Allen at (614) 444-2925 before registering for trainings. To register for Trainings, you must Contact Stephanie Hughes at (614) 233-66368, and let her know that you are calling to Volunteer for Project Prosperity and Faith, Inc (PPF, Inc). Stephanie will provide you with the dates and times for available trainings.

Financial Literacy, Home Buyers, Life Skills/Character Education


Credit When Credit Is Due (CWCID) - Financial Literacy Education and Personal Money Management

This twelve hour curriculum addresses all aspects of credit, money, spending, savings, borrowing, budgeting, and loan issues. It covers how to decide if or when to borrow, negotiate auto loans and leases, credit cards, bankruptcy, and rebuilding credit. The course is taught in four 3-hour sessions (one three hour session per week for four weeks). Upon completion of the course, each participant will receive a certificate of completion, consumer cards that are sent to the three major credit reporting agencies (so their accomplishments can be added to their credit report), and their name is recorded in a national registry so creditors can confirm their achievement (they are issued a card with their registration number and name engraved, with a toll free number to contact the national registry). Attendance at the first session is a requirement, and it can not be made up. However, any other missed sessions can be made up at another course offering. Participants must attend and complete all 12-hours to receive their certificate of completion. This course is a pre-requisite to Make Your Move.


This 9-hour curriculum (one three hour session per week for three weeks) focuses on the home buying process, and is a guide to home ownership. It covers post purchase issues, predatory lending, insurance, shopping for a home, types of loans, money management, and gives direction to understanding credit. Upon completion of the course, it is a requirement for all participants to meet individually with a financial/credit counselor for a budgeting/counseling session and to review their credit report. Participants must attend and complete all 9-hours to receive their certificate of completion and a copy of their credit report.


Credit When Credit MIDDLE AND HIGH SCHOOL Curriculum (CWCID MS/HS)

Suited to the soon-to-be high school graduate, this curriculum is intended to serve as a basic course in personal finance. Each of its fifteen lessons addresses a topic that is essential for young adults to understand and master. The curriculum is adapted from the national, standardized financial literacy program, Credit When Credit is Due. The length and time of training will be determined to complement existing programming of schools and youth organizations.

National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE) High School Financial Planning Program

This curriculum alerts, informs and educates high school students about sound money management skills and the financial planning process. The length and times of training will be determined to complement existing programming of schools and youth organizations. Topics: Economics, mathematics, business, marketing, personal finance, consumer, family, and career studies.

The Youth Center for Entrepreneurship (YCFE)

PPF, Inc. has established The Youth Center for Entrepreneurship (YCFE), for the purpose of providing youth with financial literacy education and hands on experiences to discover that success in entrepreneurship requires not only knowledge, but practice and skill in the process of doing. The participants will also learn personal money management skills. This program teaches the importance of dedication, working hard, and being self-sufficient.


Project Prosperity and Faith, Inc (PPF, Inc) is in Partnership with Community Housing Development, Inc (CHD) for Financial Literacy Education, Home Buyers Education, Life Skills Education, and Affordable Housing Options. Both agencies will collaborate to provide educational and housing options for low-moderate income individuals...which includes the working poor.

Community Housing Development, Inc (CHD) was founded in 1993. Recognizing the continual need for affordable housing, CHD obtained their 501(c) (3) non-profit status in 1994 and was empowered by its board to create, assist, and develop low and moderate income housing for individuals, seniors, immigrant, minority, refugee, and special needs populations…all of which includes the working poor. The housing focus involves multi-family rental properties as well as the rehabilitation of existing homes and the construction of single family housing for resale to qualified families and individuals.

The Partnership between PPF, Inc and CHD, Inc primarily focuses its efforts toward the communities and residents of the South Side of Columbus, Ohio.


This Life Skills Curriculum is written for students aged 14 and above, that equips students with the knowledge and skills to set goals for themselves and make better choices in life. It addresses their needs in an interesting and informative way...therefore, most students enjoy participation in this program. The books are written on various comprehension levels so that students will learn at their own pace. Pre/post-test are included to measure success and provide accountability. In addition, the books can be used as a resource center for students to use in their free time.

The materials can be used by students independently or in group situations. They can also be used with Mentors or Peer Tutors.

The curriculum includes such topics and subjects as follows:

Self-Concept, Social Awareness, Self-Control, Verbal Communication Skills, Non-Verbal Communication Skills, Iterpersonal Relationships, Persuasion, Problem Solving, Responding Behaviors, Imprtant/Critical Situations, Risk Taking, Social Risk Taking, Decision Making, Job Interviews, First Weeks of Work, Keeping a Job, Death and so on...

Public Health Education/Screenings,Alcohol/Drug Abuse Prevention

Trainings, Workshops, Conferences, Symposiums, Health Fairs and Curricula associated with Public Health Education include the following:

-Alcohol & Drug Abuse Prevention



-Fibromyalgia & Fibrositis


-Hypertension/Stroke & Diabetes

-Kidney Disease & Dialysis

-Nutrition & Physical Fitness


Free Health Screenings in the following areas:

Diabetes Detection Screenings

Vision Screenings


Hearing Screenings

PPF, Inc has a Partnership that provides free eye exams, glasses, and in limited cases, eye surgery for qualifying children, indviduals and families.

PPF, Inc also partners with other Organizations to provide additional health related programs, services, and education

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