Written by Michelle Upshaw
Purpose: To discuss signs of anger and how to develop an anger management plan.
(Pacing back and forth across stage alone)
Boy: I am so angry I could EXPLODE!
(Girl puppet enters stage)
Girl: Gee, you look very angry. Your cheeks are red, you are breathing quickly, your knees are shaking and you look like you wanna bite the head off of a gummy bear.
Boy: Angry!!! You got that right. I am HOT!
Girl: OK, OK, take it easy. It's OK to be angry but you know as well as I that it's how you handle that anger.
Boy: What are you talking about, I know as well as you do?
Girl: Remember a few months ago when our school counselor came to our room and talked to us about expressing our anger?
Boy: Right now I am sooo angry I can't remember anything...refresh my memory.
Girl: She said that it's OK to get angry, we all experience anger at times but it's how we handle that anger that's important. We have to be aware how our anger can affect not only ourselves but others. There are things we can do to respond to anger and to prevent anger from turning into violent actions.
(End of Excerpt)
Copyright© 2000 Puppets for Peace Inc.
1. What are some things you've gotten angry about?
2. How did you handle that anger?
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