Board Members Needed?—Can You Give 90 Minutes a Month to Help Your Community?
We are currently very low on board members and we could use your help. Three members had to resign when they moved out of Quail Valley and another had to resign due to work commitments. Our Bylaws call for nine board members and we currently only have five. This means that only a few people are making all the decisions about where your money goes each month, which contractors we use, and how rules are enforced. We are in desperate need of more members.
In order to be a board member you must:
Be a homeowner (sorry, renters do not qualify).
Commit to attending one meeting per month, on the fourth Monday of each month from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. at the Donelson Library.
Care about your community.
All those interested please call President Jeanne Zanussi-Taylor (889-1632) or Property Manager Hal Kearns (255-2703).