Raven Brook Townhomes


Posted in: Colonial Acres
  • Stock
  • publics
  • Respected Neighbor
  • Memphis, TN
  • 29 Posts
  • Respect-O-Meter: Respected Neighbor

No, I have not checked there paper,But when your property value come down around your ankles.
I hope You to will be thinking who are these people that live three family to a house, with seven cars in there yard, are maybe 10 to fifteen males in a house.
I bet you have not even been curious as where did all these mexican come from.
I further bet you have been thinking they all have green cards.

I think what he's trying to say is, its not fair to judge people according to their way of living. Its called DISCRIMINATION.  A lot of the Latinos and Hispanics in our communities are here legally. Your concern should be with the code violation that may be occurring in the rental properties in your neighborhood. If the landlord has not rented the home to multiple families, this needs to be addressed with him/her. If more people are living in the home than indicated on the lease, it needs to be addressed with the landlord. Unkept homes with cars parked in the yard can be reported to the Mayor's Service Site and to Code Enforcement.  

  • Stock
  • brovo2
  • Respected Neighbor
  • Memphis, TN
  • 37 Posts
  • Respect-O-Meter: Respected Neighbor

Publics you are right on the money.Pretty soon ole anymous and klondyke will be spending worthless pesos before they know it. Let's get the stinking illegals out now. No problem with the leagals aslong as they abide by our rules.Yea 3 familys and 7-8 cars to single home is out of the question.Yea  anonymous bend over an grab your ankles a year from now, u seem to be part of the problem!!

  • Stock
  • publics
  • Respected Neighbor
  • Memphis, TN
  • 29 Posts
  • Respect-O-Meter: Respected Neighbor

Colonial Acres is becomes little mexico, when are we going to put a stop to these illegal people, you can spot them a mile away, 10 to 15 people in one house, 12 to 15 car parked on the street, urinating in yards, having baby like rabbits, ( Called Jack pot baby's).

 If we don't stop this now your children, Grandchrilden will grow up in a strange country.


Those that think this is  not real need to open there eyes,your country is being over run with these people.  

These (mecican) people are destroying are educational system, Health care, overloading our neighberhood with people that are undesirable.

In the association( Colonial Acres) we work to stop crime, we should work to stop this encrochment of these illegal on our way of life. To make this area proud again, where people speak english or at least broken english . This would go a long way in stopping crime.  

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