Melanie George, Vice President of the Rt40/Rt7 Alliance attended our meeting to alert the Raven Glen Community about the on-going issues the MedaChem Chemical Facility (near Motiva in Delaware City).
What's the Scoop? Apparently, MedaChem decided to file bankruptcy and closed their chemical site near Delaware City. In doing so, they simply turned a few knobs, valves, closed the doors and walked away with unknown chemicals still in the pipes. Now, the Environmental Protection Agency and New Castle County have come in to evaluate the chemicals that have solidified in the pipes, leaks in retention ponds, etc. that could directly impact our ground water and air quality.
The Rt40/Rt7 Alliance will be holding their next meeting on September 9th @ 6:00 PM to discuss this issue and others. Location: Bear Public Library near Kmart.