
RCC CELLphones help save lives

CELLphones - Community Emergency Life Line phones

RCC's CELLphone project recycles old cellular phones for use as 911-only emergency phones by Ravenswood-area school crossing guards, after-school or playground monitors, CAPS workers, isolated senior citizens and the disabled, crime or domertstic violence victims, court advocates or witnesses and others who may need access to 911 services. The phones are tested and refurbished as needed, then distributed free to people who need them for emergency communications.

How Does This Program Work?

Under federal law, all cell phones have to be able to connect to 911 whether they are activated with a service provider or not. Hundreds or even thousands of cell phones are lying unused in desks, dressers and closets because their owners have upgraded to better technology or no longer want them. Yet these phones can literally save a life when placed in the hands of a crossing guard who watches over children on their way to and from school or when given to an elderly or disabled person who may literally find themselves in the situation of saying "Help, I've fallen and I can't get up!" An emergency-only cell phones offers the chance to call for help anywhere the owner may be.

How Can I Participate? - Be a Sponsor or a Donor!

One of the best ways to participate is to become a CELLphone sponsor. For a donation of $15 or more you can sponsor the refurbishing of a cellular telephone that will be given to a truly grateful recipient in your community. Make checks out to Ravenswood Community Council and put "CELLphones" on the memo line. Send your check to RCC at 2348 W Irving Park Road, #106, Chicago, IL 60618.


You can drop off your unneeded or unwanted cell phone at any of the following locations:
RCC's Office - 2348 W Irving Park #106
Ald. Schulter's Ofc - 4237 N Lincoln
Rep. Larry McKeon's Ofc - 1967 Montrose
Queen of Angels Parish - 4412 Western

RCC will also pickup phones from any group making an effort on this project. Call 773-583-1600 or email below to make arrangement.

Please include chargers, batteries, instruction manuals, car cords or cases if available.

Email us

Posted by ravenswood on 04/10/2003
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