A bad building is one that is showing clear signs of excessive neglect or deterioration, that is causing problems in the neighborhood due to gangs, drugs or crime or where the landlord abuses tenants who are unaware of their rights. It is important to identify and address bad building problems as soon as they are found. Like a bad apple can make an entire barrel of apples go bad, a bad building can ruin an entire neighborhood. Bad buildings are the sign that an owner either does not care about the neighborhood or is unable to properly manage their property. Solutions can range from building inspections and housing court proceedings to landlord training or financial assistance packages. In severe cases of building neglect, tenant relocation might be needed. Gang and drug infested buildings may require police assistance. Neighborhood watches may be organized to keep residents alert to problems as they occur. Each case is different. Each has to be handled in a way that is best for the community, the owner and the residents.
It is usually quite easy to spot the signs of a building that is either about to go bad or that is already experiencing serious problems. Look for:
Broken windows that don’t get repaired
Graffiti that is not removed
Trash build-ups in stairwells, back yards or overflowing garbage containers
Rotten rear porches or window frames, peeling paint, missing bricks, crumbling mortar & poor outside lighting
High volumes of suspicious persons entering and exiting the building at odd hours
Broken locks and damaged mailboxes
Exterior doors that are broken or left open
If you suspect that a building in your neighborhood may fall into the category of a bad building, you should seek help and advice from RCC or another Housing Resource Center quickly. Just fill out and mail or fax the form at the right to RCC and help will be on the way from RCC’s housing program staff. You can also call the RCC office with any questions you may have. The office is open Monday through Friday from 9AM to 5PM. Other hours are available by appointment or you may leave a message on voice mail. Call RCC at 773-583-1600 or email us through the link below.
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