Hi neighbors! Sorry for the delay, but let me try to answer as many questions as possible.
First, a clarification about the marks on the road and sidewalks. The sidewalk is the responsibility of Richmond American (RA) and the marks represent what they need to fix to meet their contractual obligation). The marks on the road are from the county and are about VDOT taking over the roads in some unknown point in the future.
Once VDOT takes over the roads, they will be responsible for street signs and speed limit signs. We would need to address speed bumps and other items with them as well, when we know the roads have been turned over to them.
I do not know of any increase in HOA fees. You should contact Clagett Management if you have any questions about this. The only change is that for 2008 the HOA absorbed the trash fees, which resulted in an overall decrease in what was paid for in this budget year.
There really are no restrictions on rental properties within the community guidelines. There is a Frederick County ordinance, which is new, that deals with homes with unrelated individuals. I am not familiar with it, to the point where I can definitively give you this information, but I know you can reasearch it, as well as other members of the community know all about it!
There are currently no plans for any community pool or play ground. What I can tell you is that a community pool is cost prohibitive right now. With the cost of installation and insurance, I do not think all the homeowners would appreciate the significant (and I mean significant) increase in HOA fees this would require, even though it would be nice to have.
I am actually working on a summer newsletter (you should have received a winter/spring one) but this is unfortunately delayed because of information we want to relay to the community. I will also look into positing the meeting minutes from the annual meeting; unfortunately I do not have a soft copy.
I hope everyone knows how hard Shane and I are working with the board to get some of these issues resolved.
Please, do not hesitate to contact me if you have any additional questions or issues.
Thanks for all the great feedback!