Voices for Children (VFC) is a non-profit organization that endeavors to ensure that abused, neglected and abandoned children who have become dependents of the San Diego County Court will have a safe and permanent home.
For several years now, I have assisted VFC purchase Christmas gifts for the children in its care by conducting my own mini-fundraiser. I ask family, friends and colleagues to contribute toward the purchase of a set list of children and their special holiday wishes. Every year, people have risen over and beyond what I have asked for, and I have consistently been able to add several additional children to my personal list. Last year I attended VFC?’s very special holiday party for the children in which Santa Claus presented each child with his or her gift. It was an amazing experience. Even the teens get a little teary eyed! You can?’t imagine the joy and the sense of amazement these children experience. Getting a gift is something most of us take for granted, in fact, sometimes we even complain about it, but a gift for these kids is a magical moment. One of the driving forces for me personally for participating in this wonderful event every year is the fact that I know that each one of these children, if just for a moment, will know that there are adults in the world that do care about them and want them to be happy and that they may carry this moment with them through their very difficult journeys. You are welcome to help me fulfill my personal list of children?’s wishes which I will receive in November 2005. Please mail your donations to the DCC and designate for VFC on your check. For more information; Voices for Children, 2851 Meadow Lark Drive, San Diego, CA 92123, (858) 569-2096; www.voices4children.com
Article submitted by Bettina Rausa