I was not able to complete reading the minutes of the last Beautification Committee. I had to stop when I found my hands shaking in anger and in total disbelief when I read that our friends and neighbors would be REPORTED to Metro if we don't cut down a damn tree. ?????????????????????????
People, we are in the worst economic condition since the Stock Market Crash of 1929 and the Great Depression that followed, and you people are DEMANDING that some senior citizen on a fixed income is cut a tree or he or she will be REPORTED to Metro.
And, on top of that, you reniged on the inital plan written into the adoption of the Beautification Ordinance that would have provided 50% of the cost of removal and replacement of diseased trees.
If I read those minutes correctly (remember, I stopped reading.) and under the direst of economic circumstances you guys really have that little care and concern for others, I am inclined to say then don't count yourselves among my friends. However, I'm not that petty. Instead, I will pursue whatever means I find necessary to get this so-called Beautrification Ordinance in tune with the times.
What ever happened to community, to working together, to having government SERVE the people rather than make life worse? And in the first place, where does this committee get the legal authority to legislate? Is that authority written into the ordinance?