This website is dedicated to decreasing HOA dues and increasing homeowner’s property values by maintaining a well run HOA. In today's market, HOA's are of greater importance because they, if well managed, can bring neighbors together, stop vandalism, and enforce maintenance standards, resulting in high property values. With more and more homes going to rental, this can be vital as one can often tell a rental by the lack of upkeep.
Four projects are initially planned to begin this process of decreasing HOA dues and increasing property values and homeowner’s input and help implementing these projects is encouraged and appreciated by all:
1) Keep our low HOA dues and make efforts to decrease them in the future
Low HOA dues makes our properties more competitive, but if these costs increase (as a result of vandalism repairs, park and fence maintenance, etc.) all of our property values decrease. Use of this website will allow us to decrease our mailing costs, increase community awareness, and coordinate efforts to make this a better community.
2) Create and maintain a Neighborhood Watch program
The website is part of this community’s commitment to protect our community assets from vandalism by creating a Neighborhood Watch program to stop the damage to our community park and ensure this neighborhood stays a safe place to live and enjoy. The website will allow us to easily report damage, organize efforts to stop vandalism through coordination with the local Police Department, develop community disaster preparedness plans, and bring neighbors together to develop plans to further increase property values and decrease HOA dues.
3) Create a way for the neighboring community to fairly use our community park
We’ve all seen the damage done to our $50,000 fence so that people who do not have a key can get in. These people do not pay their fair share for upkeep and thus do not have a legal right to our park. They are more likely to damage the park because they have no responsibility for the costs to repair it. By participating in the maintenance costs they can have a vote on how the park is maintained and improved, they can relieve the guilt they must be feeling for using a facility illegally, and they possibly help to add additional assets (tennis anyone?) without increasing our current HOA dues.
4) Begin the process to bring Fiber Optic services into our community
Many of the communities around us are able to give the current internet/phone/tv vendors the completion they need to keep our prices down, provide the customer service we deserve, and deliver the new features that only this high-speed service can provide, and our property values will increase if we can offer these same options to prospective buyers. With the significant speed increases that Fiber Optics provides, the future offers many new features that will be unavailable to us if we don’t have this service. The process can take up to year to complete so we need to act now to keep our property values competitive and enjoy the new features to come.
Only by working together can we hope to tackle our current problems, keep our HOA dues as low as possible, and bring the higher property values that future technology will offer.