Remington Park


Posted in: Remington Park

I know the sign in front of the dumpsters says "Please break down all large boxes". But the dumpster by the pond is not large enough for all the people who are using it unless we all observe just a couple of suggestions. 


1. Break down all boxes. Even small boxes (pampers for example) take up to 10 times the space they would if they were dumped out and flattened.  The contents fill in the voids and save space for others.  I have often pulled out boxes from an apparently full dumpsgter and flatten them making the dumpster only 1/2 to 1/3 full. 


2.  Those who are strong enough should throw their bags of trash to the back of the dumpster instead of just inside the opening.  I have often pushed on bags blocking the opening and they fell in.  By throwing bags to the back the dumpster does not look full until it really is. Then older folks and young children can push their bags into the opening instead of putting them on the ground.


3.  Never put trash or garbage on the ground.  If you don't want to make room in that dumpster go to one of the other two.  They are seldom full.  The trash company does not pick up after you, the driver doesn't even get out of the truck, ever.  If your garbage falls out on the ground out of the bag, pick it up.  Your hands are washable. What you put on the ground is picked up by one of your neighbors.  We used to pay someone almost $200 a week to pick up after us, but why should all the neighbors pay for the laziness of a few? 


4.  Talk to your teens about making sure the trash is IN the dumpster every time.  I have seen teens texting or talking of the phone with one hand and carrying the trash out with the other.  It does not surprise me to find trash on the ground later. And if your child is too small or too young to get it into the dumpster then take it out yoruself. 


Respect your neighbors and your neighborhood. Buying or renting here means this is your home and we are your neighbors. Treat us the way you want to be treated.


Thank You

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