January 25, 2010 Board Meeting
The Ridge Pointe Homeowner Association was called to order on Monday, January 25, 2010. The meeting was held at the Summit Library off of 112th Street.
Meeting attendees: Board Meeting
Objective 1: Bulletin Board
- Would it be feasible to have a bulletin board at the mailbox to notify the neighborhood of meetings and events.
- Concerns about tagging and vandalism.
Objective 2: Which Bank?
- Jennifer will research institutions for HOA finances.
Objective 3: New Landscape contract
- New bids from Touch of Green
Objective 4: Letterhead Logo
- News letter for Neighborhood participation. A prize may be awarded.
Objective 5: New Monument?
- With the metal of the “D” falling off and the “E” missing do we want to redo the monument sign?
- Researching sign companies or designers to the cost of creating a new sign.
Objective 6: Finances
- Read the finances: End of December 30, 2009 Checking 1377.71 – Savings 677.12.
Next Meeting: February 22, 2010.