Presented to the Homeowners Association Board of Directors
and the Developer, Joseph Gassner.
1. Drainage Issues
Provide written summary of drainage problems and dates of estimated completion of necessary work. Provide monthly written status reports to homeowners until drainage issue is resolved.
2. Trail System
Publish a detailed written plan for implementation of the trail system. The Developer must also provide monthly updates, detailing progress made
3. Entrance Lighting
The Developer must complete installation of lighting at all entrances to the subdivision, and must complete repairs to the damaged lighting at the subdivision sign.
4. Cul-de-sac Snow Removal
Until such time as El Paso County provides a written commitment to perform snow plowing operations within the Ridge at Fox Run subdivision, Mr. Gassner and Mr. Smith shall remain responsible for performing this task.
5. Quarterly HOA Meetings
Quarterly HOA meetings be implemented immediately, with the first to take place during March, 1999 with the presence of both the Board of Directors and Hammersmith Management.
6. Advisory/Transition Committee
Homeowners require implementation of an Advisory/Transition Committee at the Board of Directors meeting on February 17, 1999.
7. Communication:
The Board of Directors is to provide monthly updates addressing outstanding action items, updates to the covenants, agenda items discussed at the Board of Directors meetings, and any other events which may impact the homeowners within the Ridge at Fox Run subdivision.