If you are interested in pursing the process of having speed bumps installed in our neighborhood please read the following.
The first step is to submit an application to the City of Jacksonville?’s Traffic Engineering Division hereinafter referred to as COJ. This will start the process. Once the study is complete the COJ will notify the Board of the results.
If our neighborhood qualifies for traffic calming measures the COJ will arrange a meeting to discuss the options available, develop a solution to meet the neighborhoods needs and determine the affected area. After this it is the neighborhoods responsibility to set up a public meeting with our City Council member, the Traffic Engineering Division and the Fire and Rescue Department to discuss the proposed solutions. The Council member will contact the Fire Department and Traffic Engineering. This meeting will finalize the plans that are to be included as part of the petition. After the meeting the petition is circulated requiring 75% agreement with the proposal. Once the petition and the neighborhood?’s share of the construction cost (50%) have been submitted the plan is implemented.