Protected Wetland Fires (cont?’d)
FIRES HAVE BEEN LIT in the wetlands behind the homes located at 2248 and 2240 Brentfield Road. For approximately four to six weeks a steady stream of neighborhood youth have been gaining entrance to the protected wetlands through the above mentioned properties. This also involves use of the retention pond between the homes. Access has been on foot and bicycle. On several occasions the homeowners have personally requested to several youth not to cut through the yard on either side of the houses to gain entrance to the protected wetlands behind the residences. On Saturday, March 20, 2004, Mr. Arnett, a JSO Officer, and Mr. Bennett (both homeowners) decided to investigate the area these youth had accessed. They followed a trail that led to within a few feet of the river. An area approximately 50-75 feet in diameter had been cleared. There were makeshift seats in low hanging limbs, steps nailed into trees with ropes attached to branches about 30 feet high, and an area where a thatch style hut was constructed. Also observed were several areas where fires had been started in campfire fashion (4-5 separate locations). The homeowners have three major concerns: one being liability issues from injury on the property, two-that of the wetlands and three-the fire issues in relation to our neighborhood. Not only could the peat moss catch ablaze and destroy the wetlands, but the homes would be in serious danger. NO TRESPASSING signs have been posted, but the homeowners do not feel this will prevent these youth from continuing to access this property. The homeowners have requested that all residence be notified. Hopefully, with parent notification, it will help bring an end to these dangers. We appreciate your help in this matter.
The Roads to Ridgefield newsletter is scheduled for publication each quarter and covers the goings-on in the neighborhood, upcoming events and other community news, and should be received by residents by the 15th of the 1st month of the following quarter of report. Time permitting, newsletter distribution is as follows:
?• 1st quarter covers October, November, December with distribution by January 15th
?• 2nd quarter covers January, February, March with distribution by April 15th
?• 3rd quarter covers April, May, June with distribution by July 15th
?• 4th quarter July, August, September with distribution by October 15th
If you are interested in participating in the development and/or distribution of the Roads to Ridgefield newsletter please let Stephanie Griffin know . . . we could definitely use your assistance.
The City of Jacksonville publishes a magazine titled ?“Neighborhoods?”. Each month we attempt to insert an article in the magazine to cover the goings-on in our community.
Time permitting, distribution is as follows:
?• January/February Issue January 15th
?• March/April Issue March 15th
?• May/June Issue May 15th
?• July/August Issue July 15th
?• September/October Issue September 15th
?• October/November Issue October 15th
?• December Issue December 15th
The deadline for the Children?’s Grant has come and gone. NOT BE DISCOURAGED!! We now have another entire year to prepare for next year?’s submittal deadline and I feel, as a community, we should do so for the enrichment of the children in our community. I ran out of time this year and didn?’t have enough people to help get the proposal submitted. For those of you who are not familiar with the Children?’s Grant Commission .
the Mayor's Citizen Planning Advisory Committees (CPACs) have received funding from the Jacksonville Children's Commission to look for new ways to partner with neighborhood residents and community groups to improve the lives of Jacksonville's children and families. All neighborhoods no matter how big or small have people, groups or businesses with special talents, skills and resources. There are churches with meeting rooms, residents who can sew or draw or sing, young people who can mow lawns and run errands, social groups who can volunteer, neighborhood markets willing to donate food to name just a few. By tapping into these talents, skills and resources, neighborhoods can come together in a special way to make things better for children and their families.
The CPACs and the Commission believe strong neighborhoods and communities produce strong families and happy, healthy children. That's why we want to form partnerships with neighborhood residents, groups, associations and organizations who are interested in bringing together these types of resources to solve problems and improve the lives of children and their families. We believe these kinds of initiatives will succeed in contributing to the building blocks of healthy development that help young people grow up healthy, caring, and responsible.
Some ideas for the children in our community are Swimming, Tennis, Music/Piano lessons, Fire safety day. Babysitting co-op, Red Cross CPR classes and certification, MOSH and/or Adventure Landing memberships, AMC movie night and more.
If you are interested in participating with this project be sure to attend the next Social & Recreation committee meeting scheduled for Tuesday, February 17th at Highlands United Presbyterian Church from 6:00 until 7:00. Refreshments provided so please let Stephanie Griffin know if you can attend.
Hopefully, this and other community projects will be accomplished through the Mayor?’s Matching Grant Program for 2004-2005.
For those of you who are not familiar with this program, the Mayor's Neighborhood Matching Grants (MNMG) Program makes awards of up to $5,000 to specific neighborhood projects that build relationships and enhance the community. As part of the city's continuing efforts to improve and strengthen Jacksonville neighborhoods, the Mayor will propose to the City Council during the Fiscal Year 2004-2005 budget cycle an appropriation of $250,000 for projects that promote stronger, healthier neighborhoods. If authorized, the funds will become available October 1, 2004.
Any neighborhood association, civic organization or community group that has been in existence for at least six months and is located in Duval County is eligible to submit an application.
Each project is evaluated on the basis of how well it addresses the program's main purpose of improving the physical appearance of neighborhoods.
There is mandatory training for the primary represetative. Anyone else on the Beautification Committee may attend. I will be attending the Thursday, May 27th 11:30-12:30 class.
CPAC (Citizens Planning Advisory Committee)
The citizens of Jacksonville have proven repeatedly that they are the best resource for identifying issues, suggesting solutions and developing programs needed to solve existing and future problems in the community. In response to this outstanding attribute and the expressed need for an effective community involvement program, sic CPACs have been created by Executive Order. The CPACs serve the six planning districts established in the city?’ 2010 Comprehensive Plan.
CPAC Primary Representative - S. Griffin
CPAC Alternate Representative ?– NEEDED
The functions and responsibilities of the committees are varied, from participating in efforts to updating the 2010 Comprehensive Plan, to addressing a myriad of physical, environmental, social and economic issues in the community. Sheriff John Rutherford and his staff, along with representatives of the Duval County shools, are also participating in this program, representing every aspect of government.
In September of 2003, the Ridgefield Homeowners Association recommended that I be appointed as its primary representative to the District 2 CPAC and the Director of Neighborhoods approved eligibility. Appointment is for two years and having an alternate would be preferable should the primary representative not be able to attend certain meetings. If you are interested in becoming an alternate please let me know, as I can?’t attend every meeting.