River Cove Civic Association, LLC

Crazy driving

Posted in: Towne Lake Hills South
Crazy driving

Have you all noticed an increase in crazy drivers speeding through our divisions?
Someone needs to put a stop to this before any serious or even deadly injuries happen.
As we all know the speed limit is 25MPH. We live at one of the stop signs and witness teen drivers ignoring both the speed limit and the stop signs. Continually we witness cars flying through, not stopping and the speeds are frightening for any one with small children. Can the management company install traffic bumps to slow these idiots down before it?’s too late?

By Michael

I yell at speeders if I see them go by. But it doesn't seem to do much good. It's not just the teenagers driving too fast though. Although they seem to be the majority of the offenders. I think the Sheriffs dept. needs to be called maybe they can post a car at various stops signs for a while and hand out some tickets. I'll contact them. Everyone else who thinks this is a problem should also contact the police.
Yes, Call the Police

The only people who can help are the police. That is their job. We've been told to record a licence plate number if possible, description of the car and call the Cherokee County Sheriff regarding your complaint. It's a legal matter which means it's out the Board's jurisdiction and Property Manager.
Board can help control speed!

Speed can be controlled by the board and/or property manager. It's called Speed bumps or speed tables.
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