River Oaks Community Association


Posted in: Cabrillo Park
How can you improve the quality of life here in the Cabrillo Park Neighborhood? My idea of an association is to bring people together with a common interest to benefit the group as a whole. This is your chance to replace apathy and complacency with action and make a difference. Everybody likes to complain but I say, ?“If you aren?’t willing to do something about it, then you lose your voice to complain.?”

Everybody has a passion. Through our association we offer help to find what you are passionate about and an outlet to express yourself. Join a committee or if one hasn?’t been formed yet start a new one. Below are several opportunities for ways we can increase and protect our safety, property values, opportunities for recreation, and overall quality of life.

Every contribution helps, whether you can contribute one hour to pass out flyers to your neighbors, make phone calls, help with a fund raiser or want to head a committee. Do you enjoy working with others or do you prefer to work independently? What ever your strengths are there is a place in our association for you!
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  • ronb1
  • Respected Neighbor
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More trees in Cabrillo Park

I have met with Steve Schweigerdt from the Sac Tree Foundation and discussed plans for planting 40 more trees in the park this fall. He will be doing some preliminary work and have a presentation neighbors can comment on for location and varieties of trees. The actual planting will require around 20 volunteers for 2 or 3 hours on a weekend afternoon. If you are interested in volunteering please email me.
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  • ronb1
  • Respected Neighbor
  • USA
  • 12 Posts
  • Respect-O-Meter: Respected Neighbor
Monthly Meeting Signs

As a reminder of our monthly meetings we are making signs to post in the front yards through out the neighborhood. By posting a sign in your yard one week before the meeting not only will you remind your neighbors of the meeting but also making the statement that you support the efforts of the association to increase the over all quality of life here in Cabrillo Park.
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