Yes, but registration is free, and most organizations are using Facebook to connect with their fans/users.
We are sorry that you had such a bad experience! The sales person in question was from our partner company, Pinnacle Security. Devcon Security is the service provider of Pinnacle Security. We have forwarded your complaint to Pinnacle's compliance department so that investigation and corrective action can be taken. We encourage you to reach out to Pinnacle Security's compliance team directly at compliance@pinnaclesecurity.com. |
Thanks for your reply. Please make your representatives and partner companies know that they must have a permit in the City of Fort Worth to go door to door, and they must present that upon request as well as carry clear identification while going door to door. Failure to do so can result in homeowners calling the police.
This is not the first time there have been complaints of this nature from this company (Pinnacle) and also claiming they have an endorsement from the HOA President and/or board is false, misleading and possibly illegal. They do not need an endorsement to go door to door, and River Trails Homeowners' Association will not endorse or promote any product from any particular vendor, especially door-to-door.
That said, please educate your sales reps and partner companies that forcibly attempting do to so is very unwelcome could put people in danger in some extreme cases.