Rock Ferry Station

Homeowners Participation

Posted in: Crestfield
What must the homeowner's association do to get the homeowner/lot owners to participate more?
homeowners participation

Enforce the covenants and restrictions. Too many violations are being overlooked. We need the new Board to have a back bone and enforce them before our community gets runned down. I paid a lot of money for my house and I don't want it depreciated by irresponsible homeowners.
Non-Participation of Meetings

Why I don't participate in the Homeowner's asssociation?
1) Until the nice gentleman came by with his letter I never heard a peep from the Board of directors. I just found out we have a web site. Which I hope isn't used like the Journal Junction.

2) The last rumour I heard was that the board was suing TEL builders because they didn't clean the mud off the streets. If this is true it will take heaven and earth to get my hard earned $120.00 this year.

3) Watching the insanity around me, I don't think the Board did a very good job of inforcing the covenents, either.

4) Until we stop reacting in anger to our neighbors and come together as a community, I have taken the posture of ''Hey, I just live here.''
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I think having a website like this is a good beginning. I am glad to see some people have actuallly read it and replied.

I think our board is doing a great job in that they're just getting organized. Thank you all for your hard work!

It takes time to get things running smoothly but I have confidence it'll work out. We need to have everyone participating though to make it work...not anger because your neighbor is doing something you don't like. You now have the names of the people to call if someone is violating covenants.

We all agreed to abide by the covenants when we signed the contract to purchase. Sometimes we'd like to do our own thing but I think we all agree we want a place pleasant to live, keeping up our property values, and where we feel good with our neighbors and can let the kids play safely.

Let's use this website to it's fullest!
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