First Order of business began with the discussion of Covell construction. Roger Short from EST engineering informed RH I HOA that we will only be slightly touched by the Covell construction. Two sections of the current sidewalk and the existing curb located at the west RH I entrance will be removed and replaced. There is still a chance that the current sprinkler system along the curb could be damaged with these minimal repairs but Roger said they will be as careful as possible.
Before mentioning the second order of business, the annual meeting was not supported by 51% of the RH I home owners and therefore no voting could take place. The second order of business had to do with Rent/Lease homes in the RH I neighborhood. Many residents were interested in this issue and the possibilities of making ammendments to the current by-laws. This issue will be followed up on in another meeting which is to be announced at a later date.
The third order of business had to do with nominations for board members. No new nominations were made. Another meeting is required in order to approve the continuance of the current board members or to nominate and approve new members. The date for the following meeting will be announced soon.
The current RH I HOA board members are as follows:
President-Raney Bradley
Vice Pres-Karen Thompson
Treasurer-Janet Zerby
Secretary-Jan Massey
Members at large-Matt Wade, Scott Allen and Barbara Robinson.
SAFETY CONCERNS: A man was seen lurking between homes at approx. 6:30AM on Thurs. 11/9/06. The police were called but were unable to locate the person after the person fleed the area and disappeared around the park/creek. We and our neighbors are our best security by looking out for each other.
Thanks for your time,
Raney Bradley
President Rock Hollow HOA 2006