Hey RB56
I don't remember much of that night I was probably drinking earlier, I think Benny warned us to get down or something , I just remember being under a pool table with Tony S.and then heading east down Oak though the field by Toomers house, I never talked to the cops about any of it and in fact I missed the next 2 months of school because of a lung infection. Benny was kind of cool , But he was a scary guy, Them Frasca Brothers were a bit funny too.especially Pat. Westside was a place that our parents wouldn't of wanted us hanging out at, But saying we were going to the bowling ally didn't sound bad. Do you remember the old songs on the juke box in the Arcade,'' In Heaven They have no beer and ''A Jingle in My Pocket and Steve Miller's Clowns to the left of me song, That was the last night of Westside, They closed it after that. KT