Sorry for the late reply. The shingles are TAMKO shingles, and they were defective. However, although it is 30 year shingles, they are ONLY covered by the warranty if you are the original owner of your home (non-transferable warranty). I had to have my shingles replaced 2 years ago because they were completely bare! I was able to get the insurance to cover the replacement becasue there was also significant hail damage. I used the roofing company Excalibur and can NOT recommend them. The work they did was OK -- I think, no problems to date. I got quotes from 4 different companies, and chose Excalibur as their price was 'right in the middle'. I got a quote and was told that the ONLY variance could be the cost of the permits. Well, after the roof was installed the price went from the quoted 11.640 to 16.217. When I called and complained about the increased cost I was told that I "should not care because the insurance will pay". I was chocked, and did not seem to get anywhere with my stating that it was unethical, and practices like that is why my premium is so high. In the end I had no choice but just comply, as they had a lean on my house and they have issued a warranty on the new roof.
In case you want to try TAMCO, my contact was Denise Orton at