As a resident of this neighborhood for 27 years, I have seen the corner shopping center at Michillinda and Sierra Madre Blvd. go from bad to worse. Though Albertson's gets the brunt of complaints (and some are from me), the issue is really the absentee landlord who owns the entire corner. I have spoken with management and employees at the market and also with our councilman Steve Haderlein. It seems that the owner of the property doesn't believe that we care about the appearance of our neighborhood. I would like to help Albertson's out in any way that I can. They would be receptive to applying pressure to the landlord of the property. Is it possible to get a petition going or an email campaign launched that Albertson's could pass on to its new owners (Supervalue) or the landlord of the property? This corner is the gateway to Upper Hastings Ranch, and I believe that residents do care about its appearance.